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Look & Feel

Some of the fields in this section will change, depending on whether you want to use an image logo or a text logo.

Look and Feel

Logo Type

When you install a ReadyTheme, there is a fixed, pre-determined location for your store's logo. The exact location of the logo depends on which ReadyTheme you are using. In our example, we are using the base ReadyTheme.

To Use an Image as Your Store Logo::

  1. Set the Logo Type to Image.
  2. Click Select Logo.
  3. A popup window will appear that's very similar to The Image Picker Dialog Box. This popup shows you all of the images in the graphics directory on your store's server.
    • If you've already uploaded a logo to your store server, select the image and click Select (1) Image.
    • If you haven't uploaded your logo, click Add > Upload Images, upload the logo, then click Select (1) Image.
  4. Select the Auto Sizing:
    • Use Image Dimensions: The logo image will display in your store in its original size.
    • Width / Height (In Pixels): The system will ignore the original size of the image and shrink or enlarge the image to fit the dimensions that you enter here.
  5. Enter the Alt Text.
  6. Click Update.

To Use Text as Your Store Logo:

  1. Set the Logo Type to Text.
  2. Set the Store Name/Domain. The text you enter here appears in the Logo field in your ReadyTheme.
  3. Set the Store Tagline/Phone. The text you enter here appears in the Tagline field in your ReadyTheme.
  4. Click Update.
Logo Image: This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Image. See Logo Type.
Select Logo This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Image. See Logo Type.
Clear Logo This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Image. If you've uploaded a logo image and selected it, the path to that image appears in the Logo Image field. If you click the Clear Logo link and then click Update, the Logo Image field is cleared. Your logo image is still in the graphics directory on your server, but it won't be displayed in your store.
Auto Sizing: This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Image. See Logo Type.
Alt Text: See Alt Text.
Store Name/Domain: This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Text. See Logo Type.
Store Tagline/Phone: This field is only visible if you set the Logo Type to Text. See Logo Type.

In our example, we used the base ReadyTheme which has a space for the logo in the top left of the screen.

My Store Logo

My Store Text

Default Font: In some locations on a store page, your ReadyTheme will specify the font to use. When the ReadyTheme doesn't specify a font, the default font is used. This field can affect every page in your store.
Background Color:

Works about the same as the default font. In some locations on a store page, your ReadyTheme will specify a background color. For every other location on that page, the background color is used. This field can affect every page in your store.

  1. Click on the Select Color button.
  2. In the Color Selector popup window, click on a color, then click Insert.
  3. In the Settings tab, click Update.
Select Color: See Background Color.
Background Image:

Set a background image for every page in your store.

  1. Click Select Background Image.
  2. A popup window will appear that's very similar to The Image Picker Dialog Box. This popup shows you all of the images in the graphics directory on your store's server.
    • If you've already uploaded a background image to your store server, select the image and click Select (1) Image.
    • If you haven't uploaded your background image, click Add > Upload Images, upload the image, then click Select (1)
  3. Click Update.
Select Background Image See Background Image.
Clear Background See Background Image.

Background Repeat:

Background Position Horizontal:

Background Position Vertical

A set of options for controlling the display of your background image.

Social Icons

Enable Social Icons Your ReadyTheme has a fixed location for social media icons. Check this box if you want social media icons to appear in your on-line store.
Facebook Link: Twitter Link: (etc.)

For each social media icon that you want to appear in your store, enter a link to your social media account. For example, if you want a Facebook icon to appear in your ReadyTheme, enter something like:

Facebook Link

Your customer can click on the social media icon in your on-line store and go directly to your social media account. If you leave one of the link fields blank, that social media icon won't appear in your store.

Enable Social Sharing Code: If you are using a ReadyTheme, you can add a button to your product pages that lets your customers share that product in their own social media accounts. See To Use Social Sharing Code.
3rd Party Social Sharing Code: See To Use Social Sharing Code.

To Use Social Sharing Code

The "3rd Party Social Sharing Code" feature lets you add "sharethis" code automatically to product pages in your store. If you want to add the sharethis code to non-product pages, you would have to manually add the sharethis code to those page templates.

In our example, we'll use code from sharethis.com, but there are other sites like "addthis.com" that will give you essentially the same code.

  1. Go to: http://www.sharethis.com.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Go to: http://www.sharethis.com/get-sharing-tools/
  4. Choose a platform.
  5. Select a style for the sharethis link that will end up on your product pages.
  6. Customize, then click "Get the Code". The site will give you two blocks of code:
    • A set of span tags and
    • A set of script tags
  7. Paste the span tags and script tags into the "3rd Party Social Sharing Code" text box, but put the script tags first.

    3rd Party Software

  8. In the Settings tab, click Update.
  9. Go to your store and select a product page. The "sharethis" buttons will show up on every product page.

    Share This

    This is how the sharethis icons appear in the base ReadyTheme. Your icons might look a little different if you are using a different ReadyTheme, or you went to addthis.com (or some other site), or selected different options. For example, sharethis.com lets you select display options for these icons.

    No matter what your share icons look like, they work the same. A customer clicks on an icon. A new browser window will open and go to the Facebook page (for example). The customer is prompted to log into their account. Once they've logged into their social media account, they can share a link to your product page.

Trust Symbol

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It's a way of creating an encrypted connection between someone using a browser and the website they are looking at; for example, a customer and your on-line store. If you see a web address that begins with "https://", that website is using SSL. SSL connections are extremely common these days because they give a little extra security for customers, and in fact, SSL is a Payment Card Industry requirement for on-line stores.

An SSL Certificate is basically a verification service from an independent company. Miva Merchant uses RapidSSL, but you can use other companies for your SSLCert if you want. A company that gives you an SSLCert is guaranteeing that they've done two things:

If your website passes these two tests, RapidSSL (or whoever you are using) gives you a digital certificate, and you have permission to display their "Trust Symbol" on your website. The Trust Symbol is just their company logo which tells your customer that you have an SSL Certificate.

When you buy a Miva Merchant store license, we include a one-year SSL Certificate from RapidSSL. After one year, you have to pay an annual fee to renew the SSLCert with RapidSSL, or with some other certificate provider.

To Use a Trust Symbol in Your Store

The process for adding a Trust Symbol to your store depends on whether the SSLCert company gives you their Trust Symbol as a simple image, or as generated JavaScript.

To Add A Trust Symbol As a Simple Image

In this example we'll use RapidSSL.

  1. Go to: https://knowledge.rapidssl.com/support/ssl-certificatesupport/index?page=content&actp=CROSSLINK&id=SO14424
  2. Right-click on the "Secured By RapidSSL" image and save it to your local machine.
  3. Upload the image to your store server using FTP or The Image Picker Dialog Box.
  4. Go to > ReadyTheme > Settings tab > Trust Symbol section.

    4.1. Click the Active checkbox.

    4.2. In the "SSL Site Seal or Trust Symbol" text box, put an html tag to the location of the Trust Symbol image on your store server. The image path in the html tag is relative to the location of your store server's graphic's directory. For example, if you uploaded the Trust Symbol to your graphics directory, your html tag would look like this:

    Trust Symbol

    4.3. Click Update

  5. If you look in your on-line store, you'll see that the Trust Symbol has been added to every page.

To Add A Code Based Trust Symbol

Some SSLCert providers, like GeoTrust, don't want you to use a simple image as a Trust Symbol. The exact process will vary depending on the company, but it generally looks like this:

  1. Go to the site, such as GeoTrust and sign into your account.
  2. The company will have a process where you generate the Trust Symbol JavaScript.
  3. Go to Menu> ReadyTheme > Settings tab > Trust Symbol section.
  4. Click the Active checkbox.
  5. Paste the JavaScript code you generated into the SSL Site Seal or Trust Symbol text box. For an example, see: https://www.geotrust.com/support/seal/agreement/installation-instructions /

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