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Miva OAuth Connector

  1. Overview
  2. Installation & Setup
  3. Available Items
  4. Available Functions
  5. Facebook Example


The Miva OAuth Connector module enables your customers to log into your store using their credentials from third party websites and services such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or Amazon. This module implements OAuth 1.0, 1.0a, and 2.0 protocols.

Installation & Setup


  1. The Miva OAuth Connector module can be downloaded from the Miva App Store here.
  2. Go to Home > Modules and click the Add Module button [ + ] to upload the module.
  3. Click the UPLOAD button and select oauth.mvc.
  4. Click the [ + Add ] button.
  5. To make it live, the module needs to be installed on the store. Under Utility Settings > Add/Remove Modules, click [+] Install on the OAuth Connector module.


After installing the module, there is a new OAuth Providers tab under Utility Settings. Before you can add a provider (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Dropbox, Google, etc.), you must set it up using the client's account. Refer to the documentation from the appropriate provider. The example below shows how to use OAuth Connector with Facebook.

Available Items

After installing the module, three new items are available in the User Interface.

These items must be assigned to any page on which you want to access the data.

  • oauth – Must be assigned to any page accessing OAuth tokens.
  • oauth_providers – Used to show additional information about which providers are configured and whether the currently logged in customer is associated with a provider (optional).
  • oauth_tokens – Used to show any active tokens and which providers they are associated with (optional).

Available Functions


This function creates a new customer and links it to the associated OAuth provider.

Input Parameters

Access_token The access token to send as part of the OAuth request
Code The provider code
OAuth_ID The OAuth client ID

Customer Input Parameters

Customer_BillFirstName Customer_BillLastName Customer_BillEmail
Customer_BillPhone Customer_BillFax Customer_BillCompany
Customer_BillAddress1 Customer_BillAddress2 Customer_BillCity
Customer_BillStateSelect Customer_BillState Customer_BillZip
Customer_BillCountry Customer_ShipFirstName Customer_ShipLastName
Customer_ShipEmail Customer_ShipPhone Customer_ShipFax
Customer_ShipCompany Customer_ShipAddress1 Customer_ShipAddress2
Customer_ShipCity Customer_ShipStateSelect Customer_ShipState
Customer_ShipZip Customer_ShipCountry Customer_Password

Error Codes

MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00079 Provider '<xyz>' not found
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00080 Invalid session: Happens when the passed in Access_Token and provider cannot be found in the BasketInfo table
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00091 You cannot create an account when you are already logged in
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00092 Account is already associated: Happens when the OAuth_ID is already linked to the provider


JSON Success


This function links a logged-in customer to the associated OAuth provider.

Input Parameters

Access_token The access token to send as part of the OAuth request
Code The provider code
OAuth_ID The OAuth client ID

Error Codes

MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00057 Customer is not logged in
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00058 Provider '<xyz>' not found
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00059 Invalid session: Happens when the passed in Access_Token and provider cannot be found in the BasketInfo table
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00060 Account is already associated: Happens when the current customer and provider are already linked
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00088 Account is already associated: Happens when the OAuth_ID is already linked to the provider


JSON Success


This function creates a request to a specified URL using the associated OAuth provider.

Input Parameters

OAuth_URL The URL to make an MvCALL to
OAuth_Method The action that should be used in the MvCALL (GET, POST, HEAD, XML, RAW, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT)
Access_Token The access token to send as part of the OAuth request
Code The provider code

Error Codes

MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00020 OAuth URL cannot be blank
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00021 '<xyz>' is not a valid OAuth Method
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00022 Provider '<xyz>' not found
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00023 Invalid session: Happens when the passed in Access_Token and provider cannot be found in the BasketInfo table
expired Access token has expired: When the current timestamp is greater than the access token’s stored expiration timestamp


The MvCALL response


This function logs into a Miva Merchant account via an OAuth provider.

Input Parameters

Access_token The access token to send as part of the OAuth request
Code The provider code
OAuth_ID The OAuth client ID

Error Codes

MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00055 Provider '<xyz>' not found
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00056 Invalid session: Happens when the passed in Access_Token and provider cannot be found in the BasketInfo table
invalid_customer Customer does not exist.: Happens when no customer exists for passed in OAuth_ID and provider
MER-UTIL-OAUTH-00078 Failed to load OAuth customer: Happens when the Miva Merchant customer associated with the OAuth ID does not exist


JSON Success

Facebook Example

Needed prior to beginning:

  • Client's Facebook Login – This is used to create the Facebook App.
  • The oauth.mvc module must be live in Miva admin. Follow the steps in INSTALLATION if you haven't already installed the module.

Step 1 – Create a Facebook app using the client's Facebook account. You will need the App ID and Secret Code.

The Display Name should be "[Store Name] Login Application" – This is displayed to the customer.

Make sure that the Site URL is set to the secure version of the client's URL.

Upload a logo for the App. This will display on the authorization screen for the customer. To do this, click on App Details. You need to create an image exactly 75px by 75px from the logo. Upload it as the 75×75 primary icon.

Step 2 – Create a blank page in Miva.

  1. Go to Home > User Interface > Pages and click on the Add Page button [ + ].
  2. In the Code field, enter "facebook-redirect".
  3. In the Name field, enter "Facebook Redirect".
  4. Leave Template blank and click [ + Add ].

Step 3 – Create two new items and assign them to facebook-redirect.

  1. Go to Home > User Interface > Items and click on the Add Item button [ + ].
  2. In the Code field, enter "facebook_CSS".
  3. In the Module field, enter "cmp-mv-content" or use the LOOK UP button to navigate to the "Content" module and select it.
  4. Click [ + Add ].
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to enter an item with the Code "facebook_JS".
  6. Go to Home > User Interface > Pages > Edit Page: Facebook Redirect > Items
  7. Search for the two new "facebook" items and use the slider buttons to assign them to the Facebook Redirect page.

Step 4 – Assign "oauth" item to facebook-redirect.

When the module is installed, it creates an item "oauth".

  1. Go to Home > User Interface > Items > Edit Item: oauth > Pages.
  2. Search for the Facebook Redirect page and assign "oauth" to it via the slider button.
  3. Go to Home > User Interface > Items > Edit Item: store > Pages.
  4. Search for the Facebook Redirect page and assign "store" to it via the slider button.

Step 5 – Add the provider.

To add a new provider, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Home > Utility Settings > OAuth Providers.
  2. Click the New Provider button [ + ]. The Add Provider dialog appears.
  3. Fill in the fields as shown below.
  4. When you have finished filling in the fields, click Add.

Code: facebook

Name: Facebook

Client ID: Enter the Facebook AP ID here

Client Secret: Enter the Facebook AP Secret here

Authorize URL: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/

Authorize Scope: email

Access Token URL: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token [POST]

Version: 2.0

Redirect Page: facebook-redirect

Enabled check

Additional Parameters:

  • Attribute: display
  • Value: popup
  • Type: Authorize

Step 6 – jQuery and global popup function

Add jQuery (if needed) and global popup function into the HEAD tag. If they already have the jQuery library only add the popup function below.

Step 7 – Upload Facebook button

Facebook Button and graphic files should be uploaded to the /images folder inside the mm5 folder.

Step 8 – Add code to facebook pages

Copy and paste the following code into the facebook-redirect main page template.

Copy and paste the following code into the facebook_CSS content tab.

Copy and paste the following code into the facebook_JS content tab.

Step 9 – Add Facebook buttons to LOGN and ORDL below the create account button.

Step 10 – On the facebook-redirect page in the facebook_JS tab, update the return_url to reflect the correct screen parameter.

Note: Only the second return_url value should ever need to be changed. This is the page the customer will be taken to when they login from LOGN. Some stores will be ACLN, others will be ACED others will be a custom page or the storefront. This should match what normally happens on their site when you login from LOGN.

Step 11 – Pre PR8 Update 7 changes

If the site is not on PR8 Update 7 or above, you need to adjust the JavaScript inside the miva_login function. Starts on line 142.

You should also change the HTML on the main facebook-redirect template to say "Username" instead of "Email" on line 41.

Step 12 – Setup Facebook Login App

In the Facebook Portal, Click the + next to Product to Add Product. Select Facebook Login from list. Select Web. Enter the store URL. Click Save and Continue. Keep clicking Next and ignore all the code in Step 5.

After that, under Products>>Facebook Login, Click Settings. Where it asks for a Valid OAuth redirect URIs, you need to add your store’s OAuth redirect URL. It should look something like this:

https://www .{STORENAME}.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_Code={STORECODE}&Screen=OAUTH&Action=OAUTH_CALLBACK&OAuth_Provider_Code=facebook

Note: If you get this error:
“Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.”
Right click and inspect the message. There's an input field underneath the error message for the desired URL.
If your URL contains Session, remove it and the value before adding it in the Facebook Portal.

Step 13 – Check Miva Domain Settings

In the Miva admin, go to Domain Settings and make sure Include Session Parameters is set to "Never". Make sure your store is forcing HTTPS.

Step 14 – Test all three use cases

  1. New Customer, login via Facebook and create a new account.
  2. New Customer, login via Facebook, create account but specify password.
  3. Returning customer with existing account. Link account to Facebook.

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