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Miva 10.01.03 Feature List

10.01.03 Resources

New Features & Improvements

Google Shopping Update
  • Google Shopping integration has been updated to the latest v2.1 APIs. Google is sunsetting the previous API version (v2.0) on September 30, 2021
  • Google Shopping GTIN field is now exposed as a custom field
FedEx Tracking URL has been updated to latest version
XML Provisioning Tag Image_Add now supports an "encoding" attribute for "base64" to allow you to create an image on the server by sending it as a base64 encoded value

Bugs Fixed

Bug ID Component Description
MM-11146Administrative InterfaceUniversal search, Enter key no longer opens the highlighted item.
MM-11115Administrative InterfaceMMTextArea is setting the wrong classname on calculator element
MM-11105Administrative InterfaceFedex tracking URL has changed.
MM-11129Administrative InterfaceManage Quotes status is cut off on the customer dashboard
MM-11125Core JSONProduct URI list loads inefficiently
MM-11132Gift CertificatesFatal error during checkout out with a gift certificate product on mysql strict.
MM-9914Module: marketplacesGoogle shopping API 2.0 end of life.
MM-11131Module: marketplacesMarketplaces quicklink is not displayed for non-admin users
MM-11113Module: marketplacesMarketplaces: Google Shopping: Item ID should be a readonly custom field
MM-11108Module: marketplacesGTIN should be exposed as a custom field
MM-11111ProvisioningAdd ability to deploy an image through provisioning

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