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Miva 10.09.01 Release Notes

10.09.01 Resources (Release Date: 5/29/24 )

Miva Merchant updates include code and database changes that can take a short time to process. While we thoroughly test all updates to ensure they will not affect up-time it is still a good precaution to run updates outside of peak hours.

Miva Merchant Bugs Fixed

Bug ID Description
MM-14471 Administrative Interface: PA-DSS checklist does not properly validate private key write_password flag
MM-14482 Administrative Interface: SetModified onchange handler is not triggered if tabs are switched before an input field loses focus
MM-14572 Administrative Interface: MMInputCustomElement: Clicking "Show / Hide Password" should not set focus to the input
MM-14583 Administrative Interface: Manually selecting a product within the order item add dialog does not include legacy discounts
MM-14491 Attribute Templates: Updating non-optioned attribute template attributes deletes all associated attribute data
MM-14718 Availability Groups: AmazonPay v2 payment method cannot be assigned to an Availability Group
MM-14691 Collections: Collection Add Dialog is missing functions dependency
MM-14618 Core JSON: Reprice Variant feature does not reprice variants referencing attribute templates
MM-14487 Core Runtime: Order_Validate should used the passed in tax_module record
MM-14595 Customers: Search log entries are not retroactively assigned to a customer after account creation
MM-14621 Customers: Spelling mistake in the customer change password dialog
MM-14664 Feature Engagement Logging: Feature Engagement Logging should verify the database has been open prior to making request
MM-14671 LSK: MMLSK includes Collections and AI compiled files instead of source files
MM-14517 Module: cmp-cssui-prodlist: Runtime_ProductList_Cache_LowLevel should only limit products when a search is present
MM-14676 Module: cmp-mv-flex: Flex Components do not delete associated initialization / instance templates
MM-14625 Module: cmp-mv-sequence: Default sequence names include an extra space before the item code
MM-14435 Module: marketplaces: The Amazon marketplace creates multiple scheduled tasks on module install
MM-14696 Module: multidomain: Multi-Domain should create a default URL "/" when domain is created
MM-14668 Module: orderworkflow: Order Workflow does not correctly calculate prorated amounts
MM-14715 Module: orderworkflow: Order Workflow provisioning does not properly handle "Payment" action attributes settings
MM-14545 Module: report_subscription_product_stats: The Gross Revenue metric for Subscription Product Stats report does not properly calculate values for subscriptions that do not have order options
MM-14524 Module: stdschtasks: The Pre-Calculated Discount Prices scheduled task does not include non-optioned attribute prices
MM-14478 Module: taxjar: Invalid "Exempt Regions" value on the TaxJar edit customer screen outputs an error but still updates the value
MM-14703 Module: tforcefreight: The TForce Freight migration tool does not copy migrate over subscription shipping methods
MM-14697 Module: upsrest: The UPS Shipping migration tool does not copy migrate over subscription shipping methods
MM-14714 Payment: Payment Method Rules do not work with Amazon Pay v2
MM-14633 Price Groups: Base Price Group Assign List throws a JS error on CSV export
MM-14637 Price Groups: Base Price Group Lookup List throws a JS error on CSV export
MM-14507 Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks should reload the domain and store records between iterations
MM-14688 Template Subsystem: Managed template filenames are not always operated on in a case insensitive fashion
MM-14584 Wish Lists: Item options added from a wishlist to a basket do not contain legacy discounts

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