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Miva 10.02.00 Feature List

10.02.00 Resources

New Features & Improvements

New Recalculate Tax Button in Order Processing

  • Previously Tax was always recalculated when shipping was recalculated
  • Now there is a dedicated button on the order detail screen which allows you force tax to be recalculate independently
  • This allows you to manually change shipping or other charges then have those updates be reflected in the new tax amount

TaxJar Improvements

  • Empty transactions with no items or shipping charges are no longer created in TaxJar
  • Refund Transactions now use the date of the refund vs the original order date
  • If Tax on Shipping is not returned, we now fall back to the use the total tax on the order

New Setting To Clear Shipping Charges on Cancelled Orders

  • New Setting under Marketing -> Settings -> Discount Options
  • Allows you to automatically remove shipping & handling charges from the order when all items in the order are cancelled

Payment Module Updates

  • Cybersource now uses the fraud response (ACCEPT, REJECT, ERROR) to determine if an order in Miva is created or not
  • & Chase Paymentech modules now correctly display the card type used on Invoice and in confirmation emails

MivaPay Guardian

  • For sites using MivaPay, we now detect and log possible nefarious configurations during checkout
  • Examples include a delay in the MivaPay iframe loading, incorrect iframe dimensions, iframe moved off screen or something overlaid on top of the iframe
  • These actions will be logged for further review

Important: Miva 10.02.00 is marked as a Security release per PCI standards as it has updates to Miva payment modules. Because it is a Security Release, customers have 30 days from its release (11/9/2021) to update in order to avoid Non-Compliance Fees. Please review our full Non-Compliance Fee Policy Here

Video Walkthough - Whats New

Bugs Fixed

Bug ID Component Description
MM-11198Administrative InterfaceClear shipping when an order is entirely cancelled
MM-11150Administrative InterfaceAdd a Recalculate Tax button to Order Processing
MM-11172Administrative InterfaceMMSelect menu causes a JS error when closed within an iFrame
MM-11162Administrative InterfaceJS error when clicking on the ‚shop as customer‚ button while in JS separate mode.
MM-10388Administrative InterfaceFatal Error during login if two factor authentication is disabled during the login process.
MM-11160Core JSONRemove unnecessary join to sNN_Images in product lists
MM-11173Core RuntimeOrder history no longer functions correctly when searching for orders that contain a ZIP+4 postal code
MM-11178Database LayerBasket_Dirty fails to reset tax on items / charges
MM-10326Module: applepayLong Store Names will cause Apple Pay to fail
MM-10954Module: authnetPaymentModule_Report_Description should return similar data to PaymentModule_Payment_Description
MM-10766Module: authnetAuthorize.Net: Admin payment card authorization does not save the payment card's first / last name values
MM-10971Module: authnetAuthorize.Net: Admin payment card authorization does not save the payment card's first / last name values
MM-10955Module: chasepaytechPaymentModule_Report_Description should return similar data to PaymentModule_Payment_Description
MM-10816Module: codCOD Charge reduces Sub Total when authorizing in Admin
MM-11159Module: customfieldsCustom Fields module should cache field loading when setting values
MM-11071Module: cybersourceCybersource module ignores any fraud responses returned from the gateway
MM-11174Module: devatEuropean VAT: JavaScript error in JS Separate mode when viewing the order tab
MM-11168Module: devatEuropean VAT: DEVAT_Country_Delete should be using DB_Compare_UPPER
MM-10973Module: devatDEVAT_VAT_ID behavior is lost if tax is recalculated in admin
MM-11138Module: orderworkflowAttempting to add an existing order to a Workflow queue causes an SQL error
MM-11066Module: paypalcpSelecting CAD currency in admin causes the runtime call to PayPal to fail when clicking the PayPal Button
MM-10974Module: shoptaxShopTax_Select behavior is lost if tax is recalculated in admin
MM-10786Module: squareSquare: Payment Type outputs an empty value after an Authorization
MM-11156Module: stdschtasksImport scheduled task unnecessarily suspends and resumes every 60 seconds
MM-11152Module: taxjarTaxJar: When an order does not include items in the tax calculation, shipping charge-level tax is not recorded
MM-11155Module: taxjarAvoid creation of empty TaxJar orders
MM-11154Module: taxjarRefund Transaction sends date of original order not date of refund transaction
MM-11170PatchesPatch needs to update the domain level Fedex tracking link URL.
MM-11153PaymentDetect and log insecure configurations/potentially nefarious operations on the OPAY page
MM-11164Price GroupsPrice Group Add/Edit Dialog: Changing Type from a valid selection back to "Select One" causes an SQL error
MM-11157Universal SearchCache Configuration result is not returned in Universal Search
MM-11151URI ManagementProduct/Page/Category/Feed URI lists load inefficiently
MM-11165Utility LibraryAdd runtime URL to all admin/runtime log action functions

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