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PageBuilder - Pushing Your Page Live

There are two ways to push a new page live with PageBuilder; either with the Copy Page functionality, or the Template Branch method.

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Using Copy Page

In the following example we will be creating a new storefront page (SFNT) using an existing layout from PageBuilder, and then using the Copy Page function to copy that new page to SFNT on a live website.

For further information on the Copy Page functionality, click here.

To begin, click the User Interface header on the left side of the admin window, and then click the Content Management header, also on the left side. On that page, click the Create Page button in the upper right corner.


In the box that opens, give your page a name, and check the code, then click Choose Layout. On the page that follows, choose the desired layout, and then click Create Page.


Create the page as desired, and when finished, click the Save button and close PageBuilder.

Then, from the Pages batch list, select the new page and then click the menu icon (three dots). In the drop down, select Copy Page.


This opens the Copy Page box. In the Copy Page box, select Existing Page from the dropdown.



By default, all of the page data will be copied from the new page to the existing page. However, if you have created Copy Page Rules, you can select a different rule as desired.

Next, click Select Page in the bottom right.


In the box that opens, select the page you want to copy the new data to. In this case, we’ve selected Storefront (SFNT). Then click Copy Page.


Page data, like SEO titles, keywords and descriptions will be copied from the new page to the existing page. In our example above, any SEO data associated with the previous version of the Storefront, will be replaced by the SEO data associated with the new page. See PageBuilder - Page Settings for more information.


The Copy Page function will NOT alter the URL of the existing page when the page copy is made live.

Reverting Back to Previous Version

If you push the new page live and realize there is an issue with the page, or if you pushed it live before you should have, it’s easy to revert back to the previous version of the page.

Click the User Interface header on the left side of the page. On the page that opens, click the circle menu icon (three dots) in the upper left corner of the admin window. Then click History in the drop down.


This opens the Template History for the Production Branch of the website.


In the history, select the action you wish to change. In this case, we’re going back to the last change we made to the SFNT-NEW page we were working on. Click the box next to it, then click Revert to Changeset.


You will get a prompt, making sure you want to proceed. If so, click Revert.


Your Storefront page will then revert to the previous version before we copied the new Storefront (SFNT-NEW) to the existing Storefront (SFNT).

Using Template Branches

You can also make changes to your website pages by using the Template Branch capability of the Miva admin. This allows you, similarly to the Copy Page option above, to make changes to your website, or just to certain pages, within a “sandboxed” environment, so there are no impacts to your production website.

For additional information on using PageBuilder with Template Branches, click here.

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