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In most cases you would use the Generate button to create a group of URIs, but you can also use the Add URI(s) button to add them manually.
URIs can also be generated at the product/category/page level on the corresponding page, by clicking the URIs tab.
The Add URI(s) button is located in the upper right corner of the URIs tab in URI Management section. Clicking the button opens the Add URI(s) box.
URI: Enter a string for the URI. There are few restrictions for what this string can look like.
The admin will usually create a URL for each Page, Category and Product, based upon the rules that are established in the Settings tab of the URI Management section.
Store: The store where you want to create the URL.
Destination: Select the screen (pseudopage), page, category or product that you want to load with the URI.
When finished, click Save.