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Paying Affiliates

The process for paying affiliates is as follows:

1. Add Payout: The Miva admin will calculate how much you owe each affiliate. The admin creates a payout record for each of these affiliates, meaning they are ready to be paid.

2. Mark the Affiliate Payout Record as Paid.

3. Send Payment to Each Affiliate: You send payments to your affiliates outside of the Miva admin, by your chosen payment method.

To Pay an Affiliate

Click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, then click the Affiliate Payouts tab.

On the page that opens, click Add Payout.

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Payout Threshold: This is a dollar value you set in the Payout Threshold field. Setting a threshold tells the Miva admin that you do not want to pay affiliates under they have earned a certain dollar amount.

Payee Count: The number of affiliates who have earned more than the threshold amount.

Payee Amount: The total amount that you currently own all affiliates at the payout threshold.

Click the Continue button.

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On the Payout Details page, you can mark a payment as paid and mark a payment as void.

Marking a Payment as Paid

To mark a payment as paid, click the Processed checkbox, then click Update.

Marking a Payment as Void

To mark a payment as void, click the Void checkbox. You can enter a Reason for voiding the payment in the field if desired. Your login is automatically entered in the Voided By field.

Click Update.

You can confirm that affiliates are marked as paid by clicking the Marketing header, and then the Affiliates tab.

In the batch list, click the Affiliate that you just created a payout for.

Click the Earnings tab. The payout that was created is shown.

Your affiliate is also able to see a record of the payment by logging into your online store.

After that, manually send the payment to the affiliate by the method you chose.

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