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Attaching a Gift Certificate

You can attach gift certificates to a product in inventory so that when a customer purchases that specific product, they receive a gift certificate as well.

1. To do this, first go to your Catalog and select the product you want to attach the gift certificate to. Then click the Gift Certificate Sales tab.

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2. Next, click the Generate a Gift Certificate When This Product is Purchased box.

3. Then enter the amount the gift card should be. The Product Sale Price is clicked by default, but you can click “Fixed Amount” below that and enter an amount, like $5.00.

4. Next,click where you want the gift certificate sent to.


If you do not use the Shopper Entered Attribute field, the gift certificate code will still show up on the invoice, which is sent to the customer making the purchase.


If you use the Shopper Entered Attribute field,the customer enters the recipient’s email address when they add the gift certificate to their basket. After checkout, the customer receives an invoice that shows the gift certificate code. The recipient then gets a special email with the gift certificate code and a link to the store so they can use the gift certificate. The recipient must have an account in your store to use the code.

5. Last, enter a Gift Description Attribute if desired. Then click the Update button.

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