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Miva 10 | Design & User Experience

Batch Lists

Selecting Rows

Rows are selected via the Select Rows column to the left of the list. Individual rows can be selected by clicking the checkbox next to the row or a range of rows can be selected by clicking and dragging down the Select Rows column. When selected, rows are highlighted in blue and each selected field can be edited in-line. When one or more rows are selected, the Selection Bar overlays the tab list with the Selection Menu. The Selection Bar shows how many rows are selected and the available options on the Selection Menu.

Select All Checkbox

The darker checkbox at the top of the batch list adjacent to the column headings (on the left) is the Select All Checkbox. Check this box to select all rows in the batch list. The Selection Bar overlays the tab list with the Selection Menu. The Selection Bar shows how many rows are selected and the available options on the Selection Menu.

Note: When you check the Select All Checkbox, it puts a white-on-blue check mark in the box indicating that all rows have been selected. If fewer than all rows are selected, the Select All Checkbox will show a minus sign (or be blank, if no rows are selected).

In-Line Edit

In-line editing can be done by selecting rows(s) and clicking the [ In-Line Edit ] button on the Selection Bar.

When the button is clicked, all selected row fields are editable. When finished, click the [ Save Changes ] or [ Cancel ] button on the Selection Bar to save or cancel.

If you only want to edit one field within a row, you can do so by hovering over the field and clicking on the pencil icon that appears to the right of the field. This selects the given row with input focus on the specified field.

You can also select a single column to be edited by hovering over the column heading and clicking on the pencil icon. This is useful for batch editing one field (for example, PRICE) as you can tab directly to the same field in the next row without tabbing through every column.

Primary Column

In a batch list, the Primary Column is the column with active links on the content. This is usually the column with the most identifying information for the list. In the example below, the NAME column is the Primary Column.

When you click on a link in the Primary Column, it opens the full edit screen for that record.

Selection Menu

The Selection Menu appears on the Selection Bar and is context-sensitive. The available options on a batch list depend on how many rows are selected. If only one row is selected, there will be three buttons:

If more than one row is selected, the [ Edit Record ] button is not available.

Note: If you click on the [ X ] (Clear Selection) button, Miva returns to the batch list with no rows selected.

The [ Edit Record ] button opens the Edit page for the given item. This option is only available when one row is selected.

The [ In-Line Edit ] button allows you to edit all selected rows 'in-line' (i.e. without leaving the batch list page). All visible fields can be edited. When in in-line edit mode, the Selection Menu changes to:

Note: If you press Enter after making changes in in-line edit mode, those changes will be saved without a prompt.

The [ ... ] (More) button contains any remaining options available from the Selection Menu. In this example, (Export to) CSV or Delete Record(s).

Show / Hide Columns

The Show / Hide Columns button is to the right of the column headings, indicated by a plus sign [+].

When you click on this button, the Show / Hide Columns menu appears.

The Show / Hide Columns menu allows you to choose which columns appear on the screen.

The Show / Hide Custom Fields option allows you to add custom fields to the columns displayed on screen.

From the Show / Hide Columns menu you can also sort by columns that are not displayed on screen such as Display Order or ID.

Primary / Secondary / More Buttons

Miva uses the following convention for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary actions:

In some cases all three buttons will be visible. In other cases, fewer buttons will be available. For example, if one row is selected on a Products list, all three buttons will be available. If two or more rows are selected, the Primary button disappears (you cannot edit multiple products at the same time). The Data Management > Import/Export page only has a [ ... ] (More) button.

Search Menu

Every page in the Miva admin with a list on it has a Search box at the top. To perform a simple search, just enter your search term and click [ Enter ]. For other search options, click on the icon to the right of the input field for a drop-down menu.

Find In List

The Find In List option finds each instance of a search term one by one, similar to a <Ctrl-F> Find in a browser window. As each instance is found, it is highlighted in yellow and you can scroll down to the next instance or scroll back up to the previous instance via the up and down buttons (∧ ∨) next to the input box.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search option allows you to narrow your search based on the columns in the batch list (visible or not).

The options in the drop-down lists vary depending on the column field. If it is a numeric field, the drop-down list will include relational operators (greater than, less than, etc.). If it is a text field, the drop-down list will include "Contains" and "Does Not Contain". If it is a Boolean field (e.g. Taxable), the drop-down list will include "Yes" and "No".

The "Equal To (Comma Separated List)" and "Not Equal To (Comma Separated List)" operators allow you to specify discrete values that the field must equal (or not equal). For example, Price Equal To (Comma Separated List) 50, 100, 200 will return only products priced $50, $100, or $200.


If you only want to see products that cost more than $1000, you can perform a search where Cost > $1000.

In our example, there are five products that cost more than $1000.

You can cancel the search and go back to the full product list by clicking on the [ X ] to the left of the search box or on the X to the right of the search filter Cost Greater Than 1000 above the product list. If you click on Cost Greater Than 1000, it opens the Advanced Search dialog with the current search filters. You can add more search filters or reset them from here.

Suppose you want a list of mail that costs less than $5000. You can set two search filters:

There are now two search filters above the product list. If you click on the X next to one of the search filters, it will cancel that parameter only.

You can add and subtract as many search filters as you like from Advanced Search.

Save Current Search

If you have a search containing multiple search filters that you use often, you can save the search from the Search Menu.

When you click on the Save Current Search option, you will be prompted to give the search a title. The new search will be added to the Search menu under the heading Saved Searches.

Manage Saved Searches

The Saved Search Manager allows you to perform management tasks on your saved searches such as renaming, deleting or exporting to CSV. For example, if you want to change the name of a saved search, you can do so here. Click on the Manage Saved Searches option to open the Saved Search Manager dialog. Hover over the search you want to rename and click on the pencil icon that appears.

This opens an in-line edit field allowing you to change the text (you can also get here by clicking the checkbox next to the search and selecting In-Line Edit from the [ ... ] (More) menu.

Click [ Save Changes ] when you are done.

Other options available from the Saved Search Manager include searching or sorting by (search) title, useful when you have a large set of saved searches.

Batch List Views

The View options for batch lists are available under the [ ... ] (More) menu.

There are three view options:

Fullscreen Mode

The Fullscreen Mode option for batch lists is available under the [ ... ] (More) menu. Fullscreen Mode removes the title bar and the left menu bar from the screen. Everything disappears except the Search Menu, the Primary/Secondary/More buttons, the Show/Hide Column button, and the batch list itself (with column headings). You can exit from Fullscreen Mode by clicking the [ X ] in the upper right corner.

Sorting Records by Column Header

Sorting by column header works the same way it does in Windows Explorer or any other file management system. You can sort ascending or descending by clicking on the column headers.

When you click on a column header, the list sorts either ascending or descending by the column you selected. Click twice to toggle between ascending (A-Z, smallest to largest) and descending (Z-A, largest to smallest). The direction of the sort is indicated by an up or down symbol (∧ ∨) to the right of the column header.

Sorting Column Order (Drag & Drop)

You can rearrange the columns in a batch list by clicking and dragging on the column headers. Hover over the column header of the column that you wish to move. When the pointer changes to a hand, hold the mouse button down and drag it to its new location. The vertical spacers between the columns will be highlighted as you cross over them.

The move shown above places the TAXABLE column to the left of the COST column.

Error Messaging

Error messages appear onscreen in the Miva admin in a red pop-up bubble.

Recent errors are maintained on a drop-down list in the upper right corner. You can clear this list by clicking the
(x) Clear All button in the upper right corner of the Error Notifications list.


Sorting Records by Column Header only sorts records in the admin. For customer-facing sorting (for example, sorting products by category in your storefront), select the Sort option under the [...] (More) button at the top of the screen.

When you select Sort on a batch list, the Miva admin goes into fullscreen mode with sort options. There are several different sort options, as described below.

Drag & Drop Row Sorting

The six-dot icon to the left of each row facilitates moving row(s) by dragging & dropping. You can select one row or multiple rows via the Select Rows column. When the cursor changes to a hand, click and drag the selected rows to the desired location.

Note: If you select noncontiguous rows to drag & drop, the rows will be grouped together and moved to the new location.

Move To Position

You can select a row or group of rows and move them to the top, the bottom, or a specified position via the Move To option. This might be the preferred method if you want to move records a long distance in a batch list.

For example, if you want to move all 'mail' records from the 'm's up to the 'armor' section, you would have to scroll through several screen pages to do so. Instead of dragging & dropping, you can select the records to be moved and then select Move To Position. The records to be moved are highlighted in blue. The possible destination points are indicated by a blue teardrop icon (like a map pin).

After selecting the row(s) to move, scroll to the destination area. Click on the teardrop icon between the rows where you want the selected records to land.

In our example, the 5 mail records are moved between "armor-padded" and "arrows-silver".

Edit Display Order

Click on the Edit Display Order button to manually reorder the list. The Select Rows column turns into an editable numbered list. Change the numbers of the rows to reorder the list.

Sort Ascending/Descending By Column

You can also sort records ascending or descending by column. This option appears on the [ ... ] (More) menu when more than one record is selected.

For example, you could sort all the mail by weight.

Note: You can sort by any column, not just those currently visible.

The Sort Descending option is under the Sort Ascending option. You can expand or collapse the sublist of columns as needed.

Note: When you leave Sort, a Reload dialog appears giving you the option to either reload the batch list with the new changes or return to the list as it was before. The changes will appear on the customer-facing front-end regardless of whether you reload or not.

Re-Order Tabs

You can change the tab display order on any screen with tabs in the Miva admin. To do so, click and hold on a tab until a blue circle appears.

The Edit Tab Display Order dialog will appear. From here you can click and drag the tab names listed to change the order in which they appear.

Note: The <New Tabs Appear Here> item is a placeholder for any tabs that do not currently exist. By default new tabs appear at the end of the tab row. Move <New Tabs Appear Here> to make new tabs appear in a different location.

Note: The Inventory tab includes two tab sections, Inventory Settings and Inventory Email Notification. These can also be re-ordered. The <New Tab Sections Appear Here> item is a placeholder for any tab sections that do not currently exist.

Note: Tab sections can be re-ordered on any tab that includes them (such as Inventory or Customer Settings on the Customers page).


Navigation in Miva 10 has been streamlined to be intuitive with common tasks grouped in a logical configuration. The Navigation pane is on the left side of the screen, below the Sticky Header (see below). Store options (Select Store or Create New Store) are on a drop-down menu at the top. Below that are the most used admin functions (Catalog, Customers, Order Processing, etc.). A ruling line separates these functions from the developer functions block (User Interface). Everything else (Domain and Store settings, User Management, Shipping and Payment settings, etc.) is on the Settings menu at the bottom of the screen.

The Sticky Header across the top of the screen contains more general options such as Search, History and Bookmarks. User Settings (Edit Profile, etc.) are on a drop-down menu in the upper-right corner.

Sticky Header

The Sticky Header at the top of the Admin screen persists wherever you go in the Miva admin.

Click on the icons to access the following features.


The Search bar at the top of the Miva admin screen searches all of Miva for the text string entered. It begins processing the search with the first character entered and narrows the search parameters with each subsequent character. For example, if you enter the letter 'p', search results appear for every location with a 'p' in it.

The tabs across the top filter the search to a narrower field of results.

As you enter more characters, the search results narrow further. For example, you are looking for "password settings" but you can't remember what page in the Miva admin they are on. By just entering "pa", the Search dialog shows that password settings are on the Domain Settings page.

Show/Hide Results

With the release of 10.06.00, users can set preferences for the Universal Search, including the ability to hide inactive products. This is particularly helpful for products with variants, because it will remove inactive product variants from the search results, eliminating “noise” from the results for the global Universal Search.

To do this, on the search results page, click the More icon (three dots) to open the Settings box. In that box, check the results to be hidden, or, alternatively, shown.

Users can also show or hide the following:

Clicking on Domain Settings > Password Settings in the search results takes you directly to the Password Settings tab section on the Domain Settings page.

History Manager

The History Manager tracks where you have been in the Miva admin with links to return to previously visited pages.

If you click on History Manager in the title bar, the History Manager expands into a larger dialog with more options.

From the History Manager dialog, you can search your history, change the view to compact or comfortable, change or move the columns that display. You can clear the entire history or just remove specific records. The options are similar to the options on a batch list.

Search Example

[ ... ] More Menu

Show/Hide Columns


You can set a bookmark on any page that you frequently visit.

If you click on Manage Bookmarks in the title bar, the Bookmarks Manager dialog appears with more options. The Bookmarks Manager functions the same way as the History Manager.

From the Bookmarks Manager dialog, you can search, sort, change the view to compact or comfortable, change or move the columns that display, or remove bookmarks. You can also edit the bookmark titles in-line.

Sort Example

When you click on the bookmark icon from a page that you already bookmarked, instead of a blue link to Bookmark This Page at the top, you will see a red link to Remove Bookmark. The shortcut key is the same, Shift+Alt+B.

View Store

Click the View Store icon to open a new tab with the current storefront.

User Settings Menu

The User Settings Menu allows you to edit your user profile. It also contains a customer support link, information about the current version of Miva and a log out option.

Edit Profile

Edit User

The Edit User option allows you to edit your personal profile. From here you can change your personal information (username, email, cell phone). You can also change your user icon.

Miva provides a selection of colorful graphic icons or you can upload your own.

After choosing a new icon, it appears on the User Settings menu.

User Settings

The User Settings option allows you to customize your user experience – how many records to load at a time, how many items to display per page, hover effect on batch lists, word wrap in product description.

Change Password

The Change Password option allows you to change your user password for the Miva admin.

Manage Two-Factor Authentication

The Manage Two-Factor Authentication option allows you to enable or disable two-factor authentication.

Customer Support

The Customer Support option opens a dialog box to submit a Miva Merchant support ticket. You can attach screenshot images to help describe your issue.

About This Version

The About This Version option displays software version and license information about the current version of Miva Merchant.


The Logout option logs you out of the Miva admin.

Left Navigation Menu

The left sidebar contains the Miva admin menu. The icons representing the menu options match the Quicklink icons in the center of the page.

Click on the icon in the upper left corner to the left of the Miva logo (3 uneven parallel lines) to expand the menu to reveal text labels.

Select Store Menu

The Select Store menu at the top of the left navigation pane shows the currently active store or its icon (when the text menu is collapsed).

Expand the menu to see all of your stores or create a new store. The active store will haved a checkmark next to it.

Create New Store

Select Create New Store to add another store to the Miva admin.

Miva provides several different store icons for you to distinguish one store from another, or you can upload your own custom icon.

Settings Menu

The Settings Menu is accessible from the hexagonal icon in the bottom left corner of the Admin screen.

The Utilities menu expands to include Image Management and Review Baskets.

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