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External Payment

Released in 10.05.00

The External Payment Module provides a single JSON endpoint which allows for external systems such ERP/Accounting (ex: Netsuite) to push back up refund data to Miva for reporting purposes.

For customers using an ERP system, it's common for the authorization/capture on the order to happen in Miva but any refunds to happen outside of Miva in the ERP. In these use cases, Miva never knows about the refund transaction so our revenue reporting data is inaccurate. With the External Refund payment module, any refund data can be pushed back to Miva, so our revenue data is as accurate as possible.

Some important things to note with this payment module:

Module Installation

The External Payment Module is installed under Payment Settings -> Add/Remove Modules. Search for the module and click Install.

Payment Modules Once installed, the JSON endpoint below will become available to use by external systems such as ERPs.

External Refund Insert

ExternalRefund_Insert is the JSON function used to create a new payment record in a Miva order for a refund that occured outside of Miva.

Full API Docs for this function can be found here.

Payment Record

With each call of the funciton, a new payment record is created for the order. The IP Address of the remote system is saved with the record.

External Refund Each request will create its own payment record.

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