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To create generated coupon codes, as with other types of coupons, you will first create a Price Group.
Click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, and then click the Price Groups tab if not already on that tab.
Click Add Price Group, set the eligibility to Coupon Only. Complete the remainder of the Price Group set up.
Then, click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, and then click the Coupons tab. In the Coupons tab, click the Generate button in the upper right corner.
In the box that opens, complete the fields.
If you set the Eligibility to “Specific Customers,” you will not set a value in the # of Coupons field. Instead, at the bottom of the box, you will click Select Customers, assign the customers you want, then click OK. When you click the Generate button, the system will create the number of coupon codes to match the number of customers you assigned.
Otherwise, if you didn’t set Eligibility to “Specific Customers,” you will click the Generate button. In the Coupons tab you will see the new coupons generated by the system.