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Feeds - Create a Template Based Feed

To create a Template Based Feed, click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, then click the Feeds tab.

In the Feeds tab, click Add Feed. Fill out the fields below in the Add Feed dialog box. All fields shown in bold in the Add Feed box are required.

Alt text here

Code: The code uniquely identifies the feed in your store database.

Name: The name is used for display purposes in the Miva admin interface.

Feed Module: For this feed, you will choose Template Based Feed.

Enable URI Access: Checking this box allows you to generate the feed data by browsing to a URI. See Associating a Feed with a URI and/or Associate a Feed with a URI – Method 1.

URI Access Key: Check this box if you want to password protect the URI.

Enable File Creation: Check this box if you want the feed data to be written to a file on your store server.

File Location: This field is only used if you check the Enable File Creation checkbox.

File Path: The File Path field lets you:


Example 1: Set the File Location field to Data, and the File Path field to /feeds/myfeed.csv. Your file will be written to – private/mivadata/myfeed.csv

Example 2: Set the File Location field to Data, and the File Path field to /feeds/myfeed.csv. Your file will be written to – private/mivadata/feeds/myfeed.csv

Example 3: Set the File Location field to Script, and the File Path field to /myfeed.csv. Your file will be written to - /myfeed.csv. Also, because this is a publicly accessible web directory, you could view this field by browsing to:

Enable Email Creation: Check this box if you want to email the feed data.

Email From: Enter an email address you want the feed to come from.

Email Reply To: Not a required field, but you can enter an email address to allow replies.

Email To: Enter an email address you want the feed sent to.

Email CC; Email BCC: Not a required field, but you can add additional email addresses for the field to be sent to.

Send Base64 Encoded: Not a required field.

Template: Choose the type of data to include in the field. When you create a template feed you select the type of data to include with the Template field: None, Product, Category or Customer.

Note: If you want to change the type of data in the feed, you have to customer the feed and use the Mode field.

When finished, click Add button.

Customize the Feed

This step is optional. When you create a template feed, a special Page is created that lets you control the content of the feed. The page has the same name as your feed. For example, if you named your feed “Store Products,” you will see a page called “Store Products.” There are two ways to edit this page.

Method 1

Click the User Interface header on the left side of the page, and then click the Pages tab. Once there, edit the page that has the same name as your feed.

Method 2

Click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, then click the Feeds tab. Find the feed you just created, and click it. In the Edit Feed dialog box, click Edit Template.

When you are editing the page associated with your feed, scroll down to the Template Based Feed section. Make your desired changes to the page, explained below.

Mode: Use the Mode field to change the type of data that is included in the feed. For example, when you created the feed, you may have selected Product data. You can use the Mode field to change the feed to use Category data instead.

Load: This field determines what products will appear in your feed.

Encoding: By default, the feed data is formatted as a CSV. If you set this field to CSV, the feed will be processed as a CSV file, which includes a delimiter between fields and some string quoting. If you set this field to None, the feed won’t have the formatting of a CSV file, but you can still select a field delimiter from the Delimiter field (next).

Delimiter: Select the field delimiter for the feed data.

Predict Product Discounts: If you check this box, your price group discounts will be applied to products in the feed. If you don’t check this box, products in the feed will have their non-discounted prices.

Load Variants: This field only affects products that have master products and variants.

Product Fields/Custom Fields: Select the Product and Custom fields you want to include in the feed.

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