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MivaPrint Q

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MivaPrint Q is a desktop application for both Windows and Mac which allows you to print ZPL thermal labels directly from the Miva admin. It gets installed on your local computer which is connected to your ZPL printer (either locally or networked) and is able to poll Miva to print any pending shipping labels.



With the July 2022 release of version 1.0.1, MivaPrint Q now supports auto-startup, which eliminates the need to manually start the app every time a user restarts their computer.

Configuring Print Queues in Miva

9.13 introduces new functionality for Print Queues. Miva allows you to create an unlimited number of print queues which would be used to print shipping labels to different printers or even different warehouses / locations.

To create a new Print Queue go to Domain Settings -> Print Queues

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Downloading MivaPrint Q

MivaPrint Q can be downloaded directly from the Miva App store. There are two install versions, one for Windows and one for Mac.

Once you complete checkout, you will immediately get an email with a link to download the MivaPrint Q software application.

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Choose the version which for your operating system this will be running on.

Installing on Windows

  1. After the file has completed downloading, double click on the file to run it.
  2. If on Windows 10 you'll see the following warning. Click the "More Info" Button and then Run Anyway

  1. Accept the End User Agreement

Your MivaPrint Q application should now be installed and ready to be configured.

Installing on MacOS

  1. Double click .pkg file to run it

You should now see the install screen:

Once installed search for MivaPrint Q and run it. You'll see the "Q" icon in the icon tray at the top once it is running. Here you can click and select settings

Which will bring up the settings screen:

Generating API Token

In order to use MivaPrint Q, you must first generate an API token in Miva.

Go to Users -> API Tokens then click the plus to add a new token

Give your API Token a name which you'll recognize.

For Allowed IP addresses, if you have static IP address and know then for the computers running the MivaPrint Q app, enter then here. If not add to bypass the IP address restrictions.

All other settings can should be left as default. Click Save to add.

Once added, click the record you just created from the batch list. Then click the Functions button

Add the following 3 functions:


All are <Domain> Functions

Next, add the API Token into MivaPrint Q App

API Connection Name - Name this connection. MivaPrint Q allows you to connect to multiple Miva stores if needed.

API URL - This will typically be in the following format: Replace "" with your actual domain name. Note: Some stores will have a different URL path which does not use /mm5/. If you're unsure, copy and paste your store's admin URL which will look something like this: and replace admin.mvc with json.mvc.

API Token - Copy this from Miva.

Signing Key - Go back to your API Token in Miva, hit the Generate button and copy this key. Be sure to hit Save before continuing.

Polling Interval - This is default 30 seconds. This is how often the application should make a call to Miva to attempt to pull down and print any pending shipping labels.

Hit Save API Connection. Miva will validate your credentials and not let you continue if there is a problem.

Adding Print Configurations

A print configuration is a "Printer and Print Queue Combination" It allows you to run multiple print configurations from a single app. This would allow you to have multiple printers setup mapped to different print queue (or the same queue)

Your Thermal Label printer will need to be installed on the computer which has the MivaPrint Q app on it.

If you don't see your printer, check to verify the print driver is installed on the computer and try again.

Next select a print queue to print from

Sending Labels to a Queue

When you generate a label within Miva, the label screen has been updated to allow you to print a label to a specific print queue.

There is a new drop down which will show you all your print queues you've configured.

Anytime you print a label you can choose which print queue you want to sent it to.

View Print Jobs

There is also a new button to allow you to see the print jobs currently in each print queue

These jobs will sit in the queue waiting for the next time the desktop application to pull then down and print them (default is every 30 seconds)

You can also use this dialog to delete any jobs from the print queue, say for example if you printed the same label twice accidentally.

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