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PageBuilder - Scheduling in PageBuilder

PageBuilder helps you create targeted, and timely marketing messages, with the help of the Scheduling function. This allows you to create targeted components – like hero banners announcing a holiday sale – and have them put up on the site for a specified, and limited, amount of time.

Scheduling Components

Scheduling components takes place in the Component Pane on the left side of the PageBuilder page.

To schedule a component, click the three dots at the far right of the component.

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In the dropdown that opens, click Schedule.

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In the Schedule Component box, your local time compared to UTC is shown and taken into account for scheduling purposes.

The name of the component you are working on is shown above the scheduling information.

Not Visible Before: Click this slider to enable this function. Then select the date and time you want the component to go live on your page.

Not Visible After: Click this slider to enable this function. Then select the date and time you want the component to be deactivated from your page.

When finished, click the Save button.

Then, in the Component Pane you see a clock icon alongside the component you just scheduled.

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Use Case

The scheduling function can be used in concert with marketing promotions during specific timeframes.

For example, let’s say you’re planning a holiday promotion during the first two weeks of December.

You can create a Hero banner with a holiday-themed photo.

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Then, using the scheduling function, you can set the banner to display on your website starting December 1, at 12:01 a.m., and set the banner to not display after December 15, at 11:59 p.m.

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When the time comes, your banner will display on your webpage as scheduled.


Be sure to schedule any other components, in this example your normal hero banner, to not display after the holiday banner does, or your website will show both banners. Likewise, be sure to schedule the non-holiday banner to display after the holiday banner is no longer visible.

In addition, with the ability to reuse components (the component library), you could reuse the same banner at the same time next year, to create a yearly sale for your customers.

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