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Price Groups - Add-on Product

In the Add-on Product Price Group, the “add-on” product is automatically added to the customer’s basket if they put a qualifying product in their basket.

For example, if a customer adds a Hawaiian shirt to their basket (the qualifying product), you can automatically put a Hawaiian hat in their basket (the add-on). You can control the price of the add-on product (free, discounted, normal retail, etc). The customer can remove the add-on item from their basket whenever they view the basket, or during checkout.

Creating an Add-on Product Price Group

To create a Price Group, click the Marketing header and then the Price Groups tab.

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Next, click the Add Price Group button in the upper right corner.

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In the box that opens, give your Price Group a Name. Then decide what the Eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Finally, select Add-on Product in the type field.

In the Add-on Product field, either type in the code name of the product to be added on, or click the Look Up button to scroll through the catalog. Choose how many of the product to add and set the price you want to charge for the item. In the example below, the add-on product is a hat, of which one is added to the basket at a price of zero dollars.

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There is a module available to help you configure this functionality for multiple add-ons. Click here for additional information.


You cannot use add-on products which require attribute selections because there is no UI to allow the customer to select their attributes.

Basket/Qualifying Restrictions

Next, configure your desired Basket/Qualifying Restrictions. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Price Group Settings

Then, configure your desired Price Group Settings. For more info on configuring these, click here.


Finally, configure your desired Exclusions. For more info on configuring exclusions, click here.

When finished, click the Add button.

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