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The Product Discount Price Group allows you to discount specific products.
To create a Price Group, click the Marketing header and then the Price Groups tab.
Next, click the Add Price Group button in the upper right corner.
In the box that opens, give your Price Group a Name. Then decide what the Eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. For more info on configuring these, click here.
Finally, select Product Discount in the type field.
Enter a discount amount in the Discount field, and choose between a fixed dollar amount and a percentage.
After you create this price group you will select:
- Qualifying Products: These are products that the customer must purchase to trigger the discount. Selecting Qualifying Products is optional for this type of Price Group.
- Discounted Product: These are the products that will receive the discount. You must select at least one product to receive the discount from this Price Group.
Choose which product in a basket the discount will apply to, either the highest or the lowest.
Example: For this example, let’s assume you selected to products to receive a discount; a $10 hat, and a $20 shirt. The customer buys one of each.
The Maximum Discount Quantity field is where you decide the maximum number of items that you will allow to be discounted by this price group, per order.
If you set the Maximum Discount Quantity to “0,” the Product Discount offer would be applied an unlimited number of times to the same basket.
The Maximum Cumulative Discount field is where you decide the maximum cumulative discount that you will allow in this price group. This value is expressed as a dollar amount, so if you enter 10 in the field Miva interprets that to mean $10.
If you set the Maximum Cumulative Discount to “0,” the Product Discount offer would allow for an unlimited discount in the basket.
In the example above, we have created a Product Discount of 25 percent off a mug. And on the mug product page we have assigned the Product Discount Price Group we created to it.
Now when a customer puts the mug in their shopping basket, they will see the price now reflects the Product Discount we created. And this discount only applies to that item.
Next, configure your desired Basket/Qualifying Restrictions. For more info on configuring these, click here.
Then, configure your desired Price Group Settings. For more info on configuring these, click here.
Finally, configure your desired Exclusions. For more info on configuring exclusions, click here.
When finished, click the Add button.