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Price Groups - Shipping Discount (Entire Order)

The Shipping Discount Price Group allows you to discount shipping costs, specifically in this case, for a customer's entire order.

Creating a Shipping Discount (Entire Order) Price Group

To create a Price Group, click the Marketing header and then the Price Groups tab.

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Next, click the Add Price Group button in the upper right corner.

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In the box that opens, give your Price Group a Name. Then decide what the Eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Finally, select Shipping Discount(Entire Order) in the type field.

Next, in the Discount Settings section, specifically the Method Selection section, check the Reflect Discount in Shipping Method List checkbox if desired. If you do not check the box, the shipping discount you created in the Price Group is not displayed in the Shipping/Payment Selection checkout screen.

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Next, check the Do Not Modify Shipping Method Name radio button if desired.

Or, if you want, check the Append <> to Shipping Method Name. If you have set a discount on a shipping method in the Price Group, the text you enter here will be appended to the shipping method name in the Payment/Selection checkout screen.

If you don’t check the Append button, you can check the Replace Shipping Name with < > button, and enter your desired text in the box.


Use this field with caution. Any text you enter in this field will replace every shipping method that you discounted in the Price Group.

You should only use this field when you are discounting one shipping method at a time in the Price Group.

Next, you will configure the Display in Basket section. Check the Modify Applied Charge to Reflect Discount button if desired. If you don’t check this button, the shipping discount you created in the Price Group is not displayed in the Shipping/Payment Selection checkout screen.

Or, if desired, you can click the Do Not Modify Description button, and the text in the checkout screens will not be modified to reflect the shipping discount.

If you click the Append < > to Description, the text you enter in this field will be appended to the shipping information in the Payment Information (OPAY) and Invoice (INVC) screens.

Clicking the Replace Description with < > button replaces the original text with the text you enter in the related field. This information displays on the Payment Information (OPAY) and Invoice (INVC) screens.

If you click the Add a Charge Showing the Discount Amount/Description button, the text you enter in the related field will display as a separate line item in OPAY and INVC screens to describe the shipping discount.

You set the discount amounts in the Method Discounts section. For every shipping method enabled in your store, there are two Method Discount fields – one for the value of the discount and one for the type of discount, either a fixed dollar amount or percentage of the normal shipping price.

Next you can create geographic restrictions as desired. You can restrict the shipping discount to certain states, certain countries and even to certain Zipcodes.

Basket/Qualifying Restrictions

Next, configure your desired Basket/Qualifying Restrictions. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Price Group Settings

Then, configure your desired Price Group Settings. For more info on configuring these, click here.


Finally, configure your desired Exclusions. For more info on configuring exclusions, click here.

When finished, click the Add button.

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