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Purchase Order/Terms

The Purchase Order/Terms module will allow a merchant to capture payment via a purchase order number and/or pre-configured terms (Net 30, Net 60, etc...)

Using a Purchase Order/Terms payment type authorizations will be entered as an "Authorization" transaction, capturing an authorization will change the OrderPayment type to Authorization + Capture.

Purchase Order/Terms Settings

Description: This value will be displayed in Payment Method Rules and the payment selection drop-down list in the checkout process.
Terms: This is an optional set of payment terms that are displayed on the OPAY page. HTML is allowed (but not template code).
Note: If the Terms settings is not empty it will return a payment field with the prompt of "Terms:" and output the unencoded Description settings as the field content.
Require Purchase Order Number: If checked the shopper is prompted for and required to enter a purchase order number (any values permitted) on the OPAY page. The purchase order number will be stored in the unencrypted payment data.
Enabled: If checked the term will be a valid payment method and displayed payment selection drop-down list.

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