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There is now more flexibility when working with shipments in Miva 10. Shipments have been expanded to include two new features:
1. Remove Items From Shipments
Any shipment which has not been marked as shipped can have items removed. When you select an item that is part of a shipment, there is now a “Remove From Shipment” button to take the item out of the shipment and back into a pending state.
2. Split Shipped Shipments
This is useful when a shipment has 2 or more of the same item and only one of them is being returned. This feature will take the shipped shipment and split it out into multiple shipments and then one can be marked as returned.
Single Shipment with 2 items
2 Shipped Shipments Each with 1 item
Now that there are two shipped shipments, one of them can be Returned without impacting the other item.