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Shipping Method Rules

Be it a shipping address for an online order or a credit card billing address, address entry forms are ubiquitous online. Google Places Autocomplete is a feature of the Google Places API and the places library of the Google Maps API v3. It provides your applications with the type-ahead-search behavior of the Google Maps search field. You only have to start typing an address, and Autocomplete can fill in the rest.

Installing this does require you to be comfortable with ftp programs and changing a little code, so if this is outside of your comfort zone you'll want to have your developer make this update for you.

How It Works:

Your customer starts to type in their address and Google will automatically offer suggestions for the complete address. Once they see the correct address all they have to do is click on it and the form will automatically fill out the rest of the way.

Shipping Address


How to Install the Google Maps Javascript API:

  1. Open up an ftp program and search for this file:
  2. /mm5/themes/levels/js/scripts.js


  3. Then search for:
  4. cornerstoneUX.sharedFunctions.mvGAAC.init(); (line 1035)

    and uncomment that line. (remove the // ) before it.

    Save the file and ftp it back to the server and overwrite the old file.

  5. Make change on OCST Page
  6. Click into the Search Box up at the top right and type OCST

    Click on the first option that comes up: OCST Checkout: Customer Information


    On OCST page uncomment this tag:

    Should be:


    The JavaScript API does has the following limits in place:

    Standard Usage Limits

    Users of the standard API:

    Free until exceeding 25,000 map loads per 24 hours for 90 consecutive days

    Enable pay-as-you-go billing to unlock higher quotas:

    After exceeding the free usage limits, billing at $0.50 USD / 1000 additional requests, up to 1,000,000 per 24 hours.

    Premium Usage Limits

    • Google Maps APIs Premium Plan customers:
    • Pricing based on volume required

    Additional benefits of a premium plan:

    • Annual contracts with enterprise terms
    • 24 hour technical support
    • Service level agreement (SLA)
    • Licenses for internal, OEM, and asset tracking use cases

    For more info, click here.

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