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Customizing the Luxe ReadyTheme

Customizable Areas

1. Accessing the Luxe ReadyTheme

2. Update Primary Navigation (Left Flyout Menu)

3. Update Featured Products

4. Update Featured Products Messages

5. Update Storefront Promo Text Block

6. Update Storefront Promo

7. Update Featured Category Images

8. Update Logo Image

9. Replace Logo with Text

10. Update Hero Image

11. Update Newsletter

12. Update Phone Numbers

13. Update Footer Navigation

14. Update Footer Logo

Accessing the Luxe ReadyTheme

  1. Click on “Menu”
  2. Scroll down and click on “ReadyTheme”


Update Navigation

The Luxe ReadyTheme has a very robust menu along with multiple promo and category image areas to navigate your client through your web site:

Primary Navigation (Left Side Flyout Menu)

Under the Navigation Sets Tab

  1. Click on “Menu” then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
  3. Click on “Primary Navigation”

  4. Hero Image

  5. Here you’ll see the menu with the navigation items and child navigation items. You can add, delete, turn off or turn on whichever categories you want.

  6. Hero Image

Update Featured Products 1

Under the Navigation Sets Tab

(200 x 267 is the recommended size for the Category images)

Featured Products

There are three parts to updating this navigation section:

  1. Create new images to replace sample ones
  2. Update menu and assign categories or products to these images
  3. Update the Featured Products Text Boxes

You can create a separate image for each category you want to represent in this section. For this example, we have four individual images created and uploaded to display separate categories in our store: Silk Ties, Pattern Ties, Wool Ties and On Sale Ties. Note: These images should be created with a transparent background. You could also use product images, but they would need to be uploaded separately and at the customized size mentioned above, 200 x 267 for best results.)

Creating Images for Categories

  1. Create four images that are 200 x 267, save as a transparent png files.
  2. Navigate to the category you want the image to represent (Click on “Menu,” scroll down to “Catalog,” then “Categories,”now search for the category you’re working on), open it, scroll down to the “Category Tree” image tab, upload your image, click the “Update” button.

Nav Sets Featured

Assign the Category to the Navigation Section

  1. Click “Menu” then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
  3. Click on “Storefront: Featured Neckties” item
  4. Click on an item to edit and then click on the “Edit Navigation Items” icon

  5. Featured Products

  6. You can click on the “Add Navigation Items” button and choose which categories or products you’d like to show up on the storefront page.
  7. Featured Items

Update Featured Product Message Box

Under Content Sections Tab

Featured Products

There are 3 areas that can be updated in this section: the Headline, the Description and the Call to Action Text. To edit this text:

Headline & Call to Action Text

These two items are tied together. Whatever you have the top Navigation Item called, is what will appear in the Headline and on the Call to action text on the button. In this instance, we have “Neckties” as the first Navigation item, if we changed it to Bow Ties, it would automatically update to Bow Ties on the Headline and the Call to Action text on the button at the same time.

  1. Click on “Menu” and scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
  3. Click on “Storefront: Featured Bow Ties” or “Storefront: Featured Ties” item and click the “Edit Navigation Set” or pencil icon

  4. Featured Products

  5. Click on “Neckties” and click the “Edit” tool. Navigate to whatever category you want. In this example we are changing it to “Bow Ties.”

Featured Items

You’ll see how the Headline and the Call to Action text have both been updated with the new Category Navigation.

Featured Items

Update Description

  1. Click on the “ReadyThemes” icon on your storefront page
  2. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
  3. Click on “Storefront: Featured Neckties”
  4. Click on the pencil or “Edit” icon
  5. Scroll down until you see the description text and update the message to whatever you wish, click “Save”

Edit Header

Featured Products 2

(Ideal size for the tree images here is 200 x 267)

Featured Products

  1. Click “Menu” then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
  3. Click on “Storefront: Featured Neckties” item
  4. Click on an item to edit and then click on the “Edit Navigation Items” icon

Update Storefront Promo Text Block

This is a text banner that runs on the Storefront Promo image. It’s a great place to highlight free shipping, specials, or holiday deals!

Promo Image

To update the verbiage on the Promo Message:

  1. Click on “Menu” and then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Content Sections” tab
  3. Click on the “Storefront: Promo Block” item and then click on the pencil or edit icon
  4. A window will pop up - change out the text to whatever text you want to promote. Click “Save.”
  5. Edit Content Section

Update Storefront Promo Image

Under the "Images" tab

(1658 x 664 is the recommended size for the Storefront Promo images. Here’s how to swap them out)

Promo Image

  1. Click on “Menu” then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  2. Click on the “Images” tab
  3. Double click on “Storefront: Promo Image”
  4. A window will pop up, click on the “Select Image” button. A second window will pop up, click the blue “Add” button and then select “Upload Image(s)” - navigate to your image and upload it.

  5. Promo Image

Update Featured Category Images

Under Images Tab

(Featured Category Images should be 828 x 639 pixels for best results)

Featured Categories

To replace the two Featured Category images on your storefront go to “Menu,” “ReadyTheme” and “Images.” Click on “Storefront: Featured Category 1 or 2” and then click on the “Edit Image” icon.

Featured Categories

A window will pop up. Click on the “Select Image” button, click on “Add” and “Upload Image” and navigate to the new image you want.

Featured Category

Update Footer Navigation

Under Navigation Sets

The bottom navigation on Luxe is very similar to the footer navigation on our other readythemes.

Footer Menu

Update Logo Image

Under Settings Tab

(200 x 95 is the recommended size for the Storefront Logo)


  1. Click on “Settings”
  2. Click on “Select Logo” - a window will pop up. Click “Add” and then “Upload Image”
  3. Navigate to where your new logo is, select it and click “Open”
  4. Click the “Select” button (whatever logo you choose for the top will also be repeated down in the bottom footer)

Replace Top Logo with Text

Under Settings Tab

If you don’t have a logo, you can use plain text in it’s place.

  1. Next to “Logo type” click on Image Drop Down Menu
  2. Select: Text”
  3. Enter “Store Name” and “Store Tagline”
  4. Click “Update” in top right corner.

Update Storefront: Hero Image

Under Images Tab

(Hero Image should be 1658 x 765 pixels for best results)

Hero Image

  1. Click on the “Images” tab
  2. Click on “Storefront: Hero Image”
  3. Click on the Pencil Tool to edit the image
  4. Click the “Select Image” button
  5. Click the “Add” button and then “Upload Image”
  6. Navigate to your new “Hero Image” and click “Open”
  7. Click “Select Image”
  8. Click “Save”

Hero Image

Update Newsletter

Under Content Sections Tab

The Newsletter is currently just a place holder for you. If you don’t already have a mail client that you can direct your clients to, we offer a free module on our app store. It’s called “Mail Chimp Newsletter Sign up.” If you don’t want to use this feature for now, you can turn it off simply by click on the green “Active” button.




Update Phone Number

This can be updated under “Store Settings,” “Store Details” and then make any changes in the “Phone” field.

Update Footer Logo

The footer logo is pulled from the header logo and resized automatically.


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