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ReadyTheme Docs

Customizing the Storyteller ReadyTheme

  1. Click on “Menu”
  2. Scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
  3. ReadyTheme Menu

    Update Primary Navigation

    Under Navigation Sets Tab

    ReadyTheme Menu

    Nav Sets

    1. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
    2. Click on “Navigation Bar”
    3. Click on the “Edit Navigation Items” icon (Page icon with arrow in top right corner)
    4. Nav Sets

    5. Here you can “Add Navigation Item,” “Add Child Navigation Item,” turn a navigation item off, Edit or Delete a Navigation item.

    Edit Categories

    Update Site Header Menu Navigation

    Under Navigation Sets Tab

    Header Menu

    1. Click on the “Navigation Sets” tab
    2. Click on “Site Header Menu”
    3. Click on the “Edit Navigation Items” icon (Page icon with arrow in top right corner)
    4. Nav Menu

    5. Here you can “Add Navigation Item,” “Add Child Navigation Item,” Edit or Delete a Navigation item.

    Nav Menu

    Replace the Header Logo with Alternate Image

    Under Settings Tab

    Replace Logo

    1. Go to Logo Type/Logo Image
    2. Click on “Select Logo”
    3. Upload your logo to replace the current one. Click on “Select Logo” in the bottom right corner. Update your image.
    4. Click “Update” in the top right corner.

    Replace Top Logo with Text

    Under Settings Tab

    If you don’t have a logo, you can use plain text in it’s place.

    1. Next to “Logo type” click on “Image” drop down menu
    2. Select: Text”
    3. Enter “Store Name” and “Store Tagline”
    4. Click “Update” in top right corner.

    Logo Text

    Update Storefront Images

    Under Images Tab

    Update Site Background Image

    Background Image

    Note: The Site Background Image should be sized at 1658 x 881 for best results.

    Update Image

    1. Go to “Menu,” “ReadyTheme,” and “Images”
    2. Click on “Site Background” image, click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Text

    1. Click on “Content” tab, find “Storefront Introduction,” update text and click “Save”

    Update Introduction Image


    Note: The Introduction Image should be sized at 1058 x 542 for best results.

    Update Image

    Click on “Introduction Image”, click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Text

    Click on “Content” tab, find “Story 1,” update text and click “Save”

    Update Story 2 Image

    Story 2 Image

    Note: The Story 2 Image should be sized at 979 x 542 for best results.

    Update Image

    1. Click on “Story 2 Image,” click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Text

    1. Click on “Content” tab, find “Story 2,” update text and click “Save”

    Update Story 3 Image

    Story 3 Image

    Note: The Story 3 Image should be sized at 980 x 542 for best results.

    Update Image

    1. Click on “Story 3 Image,” click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Text

    1. Click on “Content” tab, find “Story 3,” update text and click “Save”

    Update Hero Image

    Hero Image

    Note: The Hero Image should be sized at 1658 x 906 for best results.

    Update Image

    1. Click on “Hero Image,” click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Text

    1. Click on “Hero,” click the “Edit” or pencil tool - Update your image

    Update Storefront Featured Products

    Under Product Listings Tab

    Featured Products

    1. Click on “Menu” then scroll down to “ReadyTheme”
    2. Click on “Product Listings”
    3. Select “Featured Products,” click on the “Edit” or pencil icon, scroll down to “Products to Display,” choose “Category” and select the category you would like to feature on the Storefront Page.

    Edit Product Listing

    Update Site Logo on Bottom of Page

    Under Images Tab

    1. Click on “Images,” click on “Site Logo”

    2. Update Logo, click “Save”

    Enable Social Media Icons

    Under Settings Tab

    1. Click “Enable Social Icons”

    2. Enter your links for whichever platforms you are on (empty fields will not show an icon on your Storefront page)

    3. Click “Update”

    Enable Third Party Social Sharing Code

    Under Settings Tab

    1. If you have a 3rd Party Social Sharing Code, click the “Enable Social Sharing Code” box

    2. Enter your code into the “3rd Party Social Sharing Code” Field

    3. Click “Update”

    Social Sharing Code

    Enable Trust Symbol

    Under Settings Tab

    1. If you have a SSL Site Seal, Click the “Active” box

    2. Enter your code into the :SSL Site Seal or Trust Symbol: field

    3. Click “Update”

    Trust Symbol

    Update Footer Navigation Links

    Under Navigation Set Tab

    Footer Nav

    To add new navigation or edit where the current ones link to:

    1. Click “Navigation Sets”

    2. Click on “Site Footer Menu”

    Footer Nav

    3. Click on the page icon with an arrow on it in the top column

    4. Click on any item you want to update (Shipping Return Policy, Privacy Policy, etc.)

    5. Click on the pencil icon to edit it and update to your navigation choices

    6. Under “Link” choose where you would like the navigation to go to

    Update Content for Footer Navigation

    Under Content Sections Tab

    Footer Nav

    1. Click on “Content Sections” Tab

    2. Click on the page you want to update (for this example, “About Us”) then click on the pencil tool.

    A window will pop up where you can update the text. When you are done, hit the “Save” button.

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