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Reference Guide

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Common Fields in the Admin Interface

This section lists a number of fields that you can find in many screens of the Miva Merchant Admin Interface.



Use the Notes field to identify versions of a file, such as a template or a store page. See Versions.


Versions Records

Allows you to create multiple copies of a file, and to switch between them. To create a new version of a file:

  1. Make any change to the file. You may also want to use the Notes field to describe the changes you are making, for example "New Logo".
  2. Click the Update button. Your new version will be listed in the Versions drop-down list.

If you have created multiple versions of a file, you can use the Recall button to select a Version.

  1. Select the version of the file you want to use from the Versions dropdown list.
  2. Click the Recall button.
  3. Click the Update button.
Clear History: Click the Clear History button to delete all versions of the file except the original.
Color Selector: Color Selector Use the Color Selector control to insert hexadecimal color references into your file.
  1. Click the mouse cursor anywhere in the template text where you want to insert a hex color reference.
  2. Click on the Color Selector icon.
  3. In the Color Selector dialog box, click the mouse on the color that you want, then click Insert. A hexadecimal reference to the color that you selected will be inserted into the text of your template.
Custom Fields: Custom fields show up in many screens of the Miva Merchant admin interface. You can see custom fields, usually on template pages, when you edit your store, edit pages, products, categories, etc. Custom fields include:
  • META Tags
  • Category Headers and Category Footers
  • Image Types
  • Shipping options that you enable

The different types of custom fields are used for different purposes, for example, META Tags can be used to help search engines like Google find products in your store. When you see a list of custom fields next to a field containing template code, for example in the Edit Store > Category Tree Template tab, checking the box next to a custom field makes that custom field "available" to the template code. If you wanted to reference a custom field in the template code, you check the box next to the custom field, click the Update button, and then you can add code to the template to refer to the custom field. This is done to improve speed and efficiency. Only the custom fields that you enable are loaded into memory and made available to the template code.

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