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Delete & Export Customer Data

  1. Overview
  2. Deleting Customer Data
  3. Deleting Customer Orders
  4. Exporting Customer Data
  5. Exporting Order Data
  6. Additional Customer Data


This document describes how to export or completely remove customer data from a Miva store.

Deleting Customer Data

Deleting customer accounts is fairly straightforward. To do so, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Home > Customers.
  2. Find the customer you want to delete. You can search on any visible column (e.g. Bill. Address, Ship. Last Name, etc.) via the search button.
  3. Note: The search option only searches on visible columns. If you want to search by a field that does not appear on the screen, click on the Show/Hide Columns button and select the column to display.

  4. When you have found the customer you want to delete, click on the Open Customer button.
  5. From the Home > Customers > Edit Customer: [Customer Name] > Identification tab, select Delete Customer (under the ...More button).
  6. Miva alerts you that you are about to permanently delete the customer. Click OK to continue.
  7. Note: Deleting the customer does not delete the customer’s order records.

    If you want to remove every trace of the customer, including their past orders, you have to separately remove their order records from Order Processing.

Deleting Customer Orders

To purge a customer’s order records, go to Home > Order Processing > Orders. You can search for the deleted customer’s orders by Billing Last Name, Billing Phone, etc.

Note: The search field only searches on visible columns. If you want to search by a field that does not appear on the screen, click on the Show/Hide Columns button and select the column to display.

For example, to delete the order records for “Jane Doe”, perform the following steps.

  1. First make sure that the Billing First Name and Billing Last Name columns are visible, then enter “doe” in the search box and click on the search button.
  2. All orders for customers named "Doe" will be displayed.

    In our example, there are two customers with the last name "Doe".

  3. Select the orders for “Jane Doe” only.
  4. Then click on the Delete Order(s) button (it looks like a trash can).
  5. A confirmation dialog appears. Click OK to delete Jane Doe’s orders.

Exporting Customer Data

There is no mechanism to export data from Miva Merchant for a single customer. You have to export data for all customers, then remove the extraneous customer data. To do so, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Home > Data Management > Import/Export.
  2. Select “Export Customers to Flat File” from the right column. The Export Customers To Flat File screen appears.
  3. Destination

  4. Export Customers to File: Enter a filename for the exported file. The default filename is “customers.csv”.
  5. If File Exists: Choose whether you want to append or replace an existing file.
  6. Note: Use caution with “Append To File” as it can result in duplicate data in the file.

  7. Email File To: Choose whether to email the file and where to send it.
  8. Note: Miva recommends not emailing customer data for security reasons. If you select “Do Not Email”, the file will be created on your server. You can use FTP to transfer the file to a local machine.

    Export Format

  9. File Format: Select “Customer Import” or “Legacy Import Customers From Flat File”.
  10. In general, you will want to choose “Customer Import” (the default) for the file format. “Legacy Import Customers From Flat File” is for Miva installations that are running an old (before PR8) version of Miva.

  11. Delimiter: Select the delimiter for the export file. The default option is “Tab” but you can choose another delimiter (for example, a comma ‘,’) by selecting “Other” and entering the delimiter in the input field.
  12. Export Field Names as Header: Check the box if you want to export field names as headers.
  13. Export Fields

  14. Check the fields you want to include in the export. You can select and deselect custom fields via the boxes at the bottom of the Export Fields box.
  15. Example:

  16. Click Export.
  17. Miva creates a “CSV” file with all of your selected customer data.

    Note: Passwords are encrypted before they are exported and the encrypted data has no value outside of Miva.

    If you checked the “Export Field Names as Header” box, the CSV file will include the field names in row 1.

    Note: The exported CSV file contains all customers who have an account in your store. If you are exporting customer data at the customer’s request, you must purge all other customers from the resulting CSV file before sharing the file with the customer, or copy the requesting customer’s row of data to a new file.

Exporting Order Data

The “Export Customers to Flat File” option only exports customer data. For example, first name, last name, shipping address, billing address, etc. It does not export customer order data. To retrieve order data, you must export it separately. To do so, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Home > Data Management > Import/Export.
  2. Select “Export Orders to Flat File” from the right column. The Export Orders To Flat File screen appears.
  3. Destination

  4. Export Orders to File: Enter a filename for the exported file. The default filename is "orders.csv".
  5. If File Exists: Choose whether you want to append or replace an existing file.
  6. Note: Use caution with “Append To File” as it can result in duplicate data in the file.

  7. Email File To: Choose whether to email the file and where to send it.
  8. Note: Miva recommends not emailing customer data for security reasons. If you select “Do Not Email”, the file will be created on your server. You can use FTP to transfer the file to a local machine.

    Export Format

  9. Delimiter: Select the delimiter for the export file. The default option is “Tab” but you can choose another delimiter (for example, a comma ‘,’) by selecting “Other” and entering the delimiter in the input field.
  10. Export Field Names as Header: Check the box if you want to export field names as headers.
  11. Export Fields

  12. Select/Deselect custom fields by clicking on the field names and pressing Select > or < Deselect to move them from one box to the other.
  13. Export Settings

  14. Batch to Export: Choose “All Orders” or “All Unbatched Orders” from the drop-down list.
  15. If you checked the “Export Field Names as Header” box, the CSV file will include the field names in row 1.

    Note: The exported CSV file contains orders for all customers who have an account in your store. If you are exporting customer data at the customer’s request, you must purge all other customers' order data from the resulting CSV file before sharing the file with the customer who requested it, or copy the requesting customer’s order data to a new file.

Additional Customer Data

Not all customer data is included in the CSV file when you select the “Export Customers to Flat File” option from Data Management. If you have additional addresses assigned to the customer, notes, or account credit, that data is stored in the customer record.


For example, suppose John Doe has multiple addresses. You can capture that data and export it to CSV from the Addresses tab on the Edit Customer page. To do so, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Home > Customers and select “johndoe” from the Customers list.
  2. From the Home > Customers > Edit Customer: johndoe > Addresses tab, select the address(es) you want to export.
  3. Make sure all the data you want to export is visible via the Show/Hide Columns [|||] button.
  4. Click on the Export to CSV [CSV] button.
  5. An “export.csv” file will be automatically created and downloaded to your local computer.


If there are notes attached to the customer’s file, these can also be exported to a CSV file.

  1. From the Home > Customers > Edit Customer: [Customer Name] > Notes tab, select the note(s) you want to export.
  2. Make sure all the data you want to export is visible via the Show/Hide Columns [|||] button.
  3. Click on the Export to CSV [CSV] button.
  4. An “export.csv” file will be automatically created and downloaded to your local computer.

Account Credit

The Account Credit tab tracks any credit a customer has on their account. For example, credit for returned merchandise or a coupon or gift certificate. Customer credits can be exported in the same manner as Addresses and Notes.

  1. From the Home > Customers > Edit Customer: [Customer Name] > Account Credit tab, select the credit(s) you want to export.
  2. Make sure all the data you want to export is visible via the Show/Hide Columns [|||] button.
  3. Click on the Export to CSV [CSV] button.
  4. An “export.csv” file will be automatically created and downloaded to your local computer.

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