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An Overview of MivaPay

To Activate MivaPay

To Configure Your Payment Gateway to Use MivaPay

To Hide Non MivaPay Card Types

Customer Experience - Save Card Information During Checkout

Customer Experience - Use Saved Card Information

Customer Experience - Add/Edit/Delete Saved Credit Information

Edit/Delete Your Customer's Saved Card Information


To Create a Subscription

To Process Subscriptions

To Discount a Subscription

To Manage Subscriptions

Email Notifications for Subscriptions

MivaPay is a service that you sign up for at an additional cost. MivaPay increases the security of credit card transactions with a process called "tokenization". With tokenization, the customer's credit card data is never kept on your store server.

MivaPay is transparent to your customers, but it can make shopping easier, because customers can make purchases in your store without re-entering their credit card information.

With MivaPay, the first time a customer uses their credit card in your store, they enter their credit card information as usual. What the customer doesn't realize is that they are entering their credit card data into a special iFrame on the Payment Information (OPAY) screen. This iFrame sends the data directly to the MivaPay server, which converts the information into tokens. Only the tokens are kept on your store server.

If you have a new 9.0006 store, you don't need to make any additional changes to your store to use MivaPay. If you update your store to 9.0006 from an earlier release, please see: the Miva Pay Installation Guide.

An Overview of MivaPay

  1. Activate MivaPay.

    1.1. Sign up for the MivaPay service.

    1.2. Activate MivaPay in the admin interface.

    See: To Activate MivaPay.

  2. Configure your Payment Gateway to work with MivaPay

    See To Configure Your Payment Gateway to Use MivaPay.

    In this step you take one of the card types offered by your Payment Gateway and configure it to use MivaPay. For example, Braintree supports American Express and we can configure the Braintree Amex to work with MivaPay.

    As of 10/31/16:

    MivaPay Supports the Following Payment Gateways And the Following Card Types
    • PayPal Payments Pro
    • PayPal Payflow Pro
    • Authorize.net
    • Chase Paymentech
    • Cybersource
    • First Data Global Gateway
    • Intuit Merchant Services
    • Braintree
    • American Express
    • Discover
    • MasterCard
    • Visa

    When your customer goes through checkout, they can select American Express (for example). The customer doesn't realize it, but they're using a payment method that uses MivaPay. Their credit card information will go directly to the MivaPay server instead of your store server.

  3. Hide the Non-MivaPay Card Types (optional, but useful)

    See To Hide Non MivaPay Card Types.

  4. View/Edit/Delete your customer's saved card information.

    When your customers use MivaPay, they can safely keep tokenized credit card information on your store server. The actual credit card data is securely stored on the MivaPay server.

    Customers can sign into their accounts and safely add, edit, and delete MivaPay credit cards. Note that customers can't save credit cards on your store that don't use MivaPay.

    See: Customer Experience - Add/Edit/Delete Saved Credit Information

    You can also add, edit, and delete a customer's saved credit cards using the admin interface.

    See: Edit/Delete Your Customer's Saved Card Information

To Activate MivaPay

  1. Sign up for a MivaPay account by contacting the Miva sales team at sales@miva.com, or by calling (800) 608-6482.
  2. In the admin interface, go to Menu> Payment > Settings tab > MivaPay Settings

Payment Settings

MivaPay CVV Settings

Before you can use the CVV settings you must first enable CVV for each payment method under Payment Card Types.

  1. Go to Menu> Payment.
  2. Click the Payment Card Types button.
  3. Edit each card type that you accept in your store and change the CVV setting to “Yes”.
  4. If you enabled the Group Payment Card Types into Single Payment Method with Description option, set the Allowable Prefixes and Allowable Lengths fields with valid corresponding values for each card type that your store accepts.
  5. Payment Card Types

    You can now set MivaPay’s CVV settings.

  6. Go to Menu> Payment > Settings tab > MivaPay Settings
    • Select the CVV settings from the drop-down lists. There are three possible states for each CVV setting: “Hidden”, “Optional” or “Required”
      • CVV: Checkout: Payment Card Type
        • Hidden – Your customer will not see the CVV field
        • Optional – Your customer will see the CVV field but it will not be required
        • Required – Your customer will see the CVV field (in bold) and be required to enter the CVV code to continue the checkout process
    • CVV: Checkout: Stored Payment Card – This option is for customers whose cards are already saved in the store.
      • Hidden – Your customer will not see the CVV field
      • Optional – Your customer will see the CVV field but it will not be required
      • Required – Your customer will see the CVV field (in bold) and be required to enter the CVV code to continue process
    • CVV: Order Processing: Payment Card Type – This option is for phone or custom orders and is only seen in the Admin.
      • Hidden – You will not see the CVV field in the Admin
      • Optional – You will see the CVV field but it will not be required
      • Required – You will see the CVV field (in bold) and be required to enter it to continue the checkout process
    • Click Update.

To Configure Your Payment Gateway to Use MivaPay

See An Overview of MivaPay for a list of supported Payment Gateways.

  1. Go to Menu> Payment > Payment Method Rules tab.
  2. In the Payment Method Rules tab, click Payment Card Types. In the Payment Card Types dialog box:

Payment Card Types

2.1. Click Add Card Type Add Card type.

2.2. In the Payment Card Type column, enter one of the MivaPay card types. In our example, we'll enter American Express.

2.3. In the Linked Payment Method column, select the same card type from your Payment Gateway. In our example, we'll link the MivaPay American Express to the Braintree American Express.

2.4. Click Save Card Type Save.

2.5. Repeat these steps if you want to link other MivaPay card types, like Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.

2.6. Click Close.

To Hide Non MivaPay Card Types

After you link a MivaPay card type to your Payment Gateway, your customer might see two of the same cards when they go through checkout:

MivaPay Payment

The customer sees two American Express cards at the payment screen and doesn't understand the difference. To make things simpler, we'll hide the old Amex card and require the customer to use the one we've configured with MivaPay.

  1. In this example, we've already linked the MivaPay American Express to our Braintree American Express.
  2. Go to Menu> > Payment > Payment Method Rules tab. You can see that there are two American Express cards.
  3. MivaPay Payment Settings

  4. Double-click on the "standard" credit card from your Payment Gateway. In our example, we're using Braintree.
  5. In the Payment Method Rules dialog box, click the Exclude This Method Unless Permitted by Products checkbox, then click Save.
  6. You can repeat these steps for the other non-MivaPay cards that you want to remove from your checkout. Now when our customer goes through checkout, they must select a credit card that uses MivaPay.

Customer Experience - Save Card Information During Checkout

Note that customers can only save their credit card data for a card that uses MivaPay.

  1. The customer browses to your store and signs into their account.
  2. The customer adds items to their basket and starts the checkout process.
  3. When the customer gets to the Payment screen (OPAY) they can check the Store this Card for Future Use checkbox. A tokenized version of their credit card data will be kept on your store server. The real card information is kept on the MivaPay server. The next time the customer wants to buy something in your store, they won't have to re-enter their credit card information.

Complete Order

Customer Experience - Save Card Information During Checkout

Note that customers can only save their credit card data for a card that uses MivaPay.

  1. MivaPay has been set up in your store and this customer has already saved their tokenized credit card data to your store.
  2. The customer browses to your store and signs into their account.
  3. The customer adds items to their basket and starts the checkout process.
  4. When the customer gets to the Payment screen (OPAY), they'll see the card information that they've already saved.
  5. Your Saved Credit Cards

  6. If the customer wants to use their saved card, they can continue with checkout and won't have to re-enter any credit card information.

Customer Experience - Add/Edit/Delete Saved Credit Information

Note that customers can only save their credit card data for a card that uses MivaPay.

  1. The customer browses to your store and signs into their account.
  2. Every store has a different look and feel, but the customer will click: My Account > Wallet > Manage Saved Cards
  3. Customer Payment Cards

Edit/Delete Your Customer's Saved Card Information

You can also make changes to your customer's saved card information from the admin interface.

Note that customers can only save their credit card data for a card that uses MivaPay.

  1. Go to Menu> Customers > edit a customer > Payment Cards tab.
  2. In the Payment Cards tab, double-click on a saved card.

Edit Customer Pay Card


A subscription is a group of orders that the customer purchases all at once. It's basically a bulk order, but instead of sending the customer twelve jars of coffee at once, you ship and bill the customer for one jar of coffee a month for twelve months. You can create subscriptions for any product in your store, but you must be using MivaPay.

The most important parts of a subscription are:

  1. Quantity: the number of products in each order.
  2. Frequency: how often you send the customer an order; weekly, monthly, yearly, etc
  3. Term: the total number of orders in the subscription.

To Create a Subscription

  1. Edit the product and make it available for subscription.

    1.1. Select an existing product or create a new one.

    1.2. Go to Menu> Catalog > edit product > Products tab > Subscription Settings

    Enabled: Check this box to make the product available for subscription purchase.
    Require Subscription When Purchasing Product:
    • If you check this box, your customer can only purchase the product as a subscription.
    • If you do not check this box, the product can be purchased by subscription, or as a normal product.
    • One Time Purchase

    • Not Allowed: If you check this radio button, the customer cannot cancel a subscription. See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription
    • Allowed After __ Fulfilled Orders: If you check this radio button, your customer can edit the subscription and cancel it after the specified number of fulfilled orders (0 to allow cancellation immediately).

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    Quantity Changes:
    • Not Allowed: If you check this radio button, the customer cannot edit the subscription quantity. See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription
    • Allowed After __ Fulfilled Orders: If you check this radio button, your customer can edit the subscription quantity after the specified number of fulfilled orders (0 to allow quantity changes immediately). The subscription quantity is the number of items in each order. For example, the original subscription could be for one 16 ounce jar of coffee every month. If you check this box, the customer could edit the subscription and change it to two jars of coffee every month.

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    Term Changes:
    • Not Allowed: If you check this radio button, the customer cannot change the subscription term.

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    • Allowed After __ Fulfilled Orders: If you check this radio button, your customer can edit the subscription and select a different term after the specified number of fulfilled orders (0 to allow term changes immediately).

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    • For example, in our store we sell a 16 ounce jar of instant coffee. We've created three subscription terms. The customer can subscribe and get one jar of coffee a week, one jar of coffee a month, or one jar of coffee every quarter (every 3 months). If we check this box, the customer can purchase the weekly subscription, and after they complete checkout, they can still change the subscription from weekly to monthly.
    Delivery Date Changes:
    • Not Allowed: If you check this radio button, the customer cannot change the delivery date.

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    • Allowed After __ Fulfilled Orders: If you check this radio button, your customer can edit the subscription and change the delivery date after the specified number of fulfilled orders (0 to allow changed delivery date immediately).

      See Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

  2. Create at least one subscription term for the product.

    When you make a product available for subscription, you must create one or more subscription terms. Each subscription term defines how many orders there are in the subscription and how often the orders are sent to the customer. For example, you can create a subscription term that sends the customer a product once a month for 12 months (total of 12 orders).

    2.1. Go to Menu> Catalog > edit product > Subscription Terms tab.

    2.2. In the Subscription Terms tab, click Add Term Add.

    2.3. Fill out the fields in the Add Product Subscription Term dialog box and click Add.

    Add Product Subscription

Term: The number of orders in the subscription. For example, if you set the Term to 12, the customer will receive the product 12 times. If you want the customer to receive the product indefinitely, leave the Term set to 0.
Frequency: The Frequency lets you control how often the customer receives the product. For example, if you set the term to 12 and the Frequency to Monthly, the customer will receive an order once a month for 12 months.
  • Every N Days (From Purchase Date):


  • Every N Months(From Purchase Date):


  • Daily

  • Weekly (From Purchase Date)

    Biweekly (From Purchase Date)

    Monthly (From Purchase Date)

    Quarterly (From Purchase Date)

    Semiannually (From Purchase Date)

    Annually (From Purchase Date)

  • Fixed Day of Week: In our example, we'll ship the customer's subscription orders every Monday.

    Fixed Day of Week

  • Fixed Day of Month: In our example, we'll ship the customer's subscription orders on the 7th day of every month.

    Fixed Day of Month

Specific Dates Annually: Use this option to ship subscription products on specific dates. In our example, we'll ship the customer's subscription orders on the 1st and 31st of October. You can add as many days as you wish.

Specific Dates


The description contains the term and the frequency that you selected. It is displayed both in the admin interface and in the product page in your store.

  • Generate Based on Input Parameters: If you select this option, the Miva Merchant software will automatically generate a description for the term and frequency. For example, if you set the term to 12 and the Frequency to Monthly, the autogenerated description will be:

    Reorder every month for the next 12 months

  • Custom: If you don't like the auto-generated description for the term, you can click the Custom radio button and enter your own description.

    Custom Description

  • The subscription terms that you create will appear on the product page in a drop-down list box called "Select Subscription". This list box shows the text from the Description field.
  • Classic Instant Coffee

    To Process Subscriptions

    Processing a subscription means checking to see if a subscription order needs to be generated. Let's say you have a coffee product and a coffee subscription:

    One 16 ounce jar of instant coffee every month for 12 months

    We'll also say that this subscription ships on the 3rd day of each month. The question is: how does the software know when to send your customer a jar of coffee? One way or another, someone has to check every purchased subscription in your store and see if it's time to generate an order. That has to be done every day and that's what processing is.

    You can process subscriptions manually, but you would usually only do that if the automated system wasn't working. The automated way to process subscriptions is to create a Scheduled Task.

    Note: Multiple subscriptions processed on the same day for the same customer are now grouped together when the payment card and delivery address are the same.

    To Process Subscriptions Manually

    1. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Subscriptions tab.
    2. Select a subscription and click Process.

    Order Processing

    To Process Subscriptions Automatically

    1. Make sure that the Standard Scheduled Tasks module is installed. See To Install The Standard Scheduled Tasks Module.
    2. Go to Menu> Store Settings > Scheduled Tasks tab.
    3. In the Scheduled Tasks tab, click Create New Scheduled Task Add.
    4. In the Add Scheduled Task dialog box:

      4.1. Check the Enabled checkbox.

      4.2. Enter a Description for this task.

      4.3. In the Operation field, select Standard Scheduled Tasks: Process Subscriptions.

      4.4. Set a schedule for the task.

      4.5. When you are done, click Add.

    To Discount a Subscription

    Although a subscription is a group of orders, you can create a discount for the entire subscription. For example, if a customer buys one jar of instant coffee, you can charge the full price of $8.00. If the customer buys the jar of coffee as a subscription, you can charge them $5.00 for each jar.

    1. Create at least one subscription term.

      See To Create a Subscription

      In our example we'll create several subscription terms for our instant coffee.

      Subscription Term

    2. Create a Price Group.

      We'll create a simple price group that gives the customer a 15% discount. This price group isn't linked to a subscription yet. We'll do that in the next step.

      Edit Price Group

    3. Assign a subscription to the price group.

      3.1. Go to Menu> Marketing > Price Groups tab.

      3.2. In the Price Groups tab, select your price group. In version 9.0006, there are two new buttons at the top of the screen. Note that you will only see these buttons if you are using MivaPay:

      • Qualifying Subscriptions: these are the subscriptions that must be the customer's basket in order to qualify for the discount. In our example, we won't require a qualifying subscription.
      • Discounted Subscriptions: This is the subscription that's will get the discount.


      3.3. Click Discounted Subscriptions.

      3.4. In the Discounted Subscriptions dialog box, assign the subscriptions that you want to discount, then click Close.

    4. Now let's see how this affects our on-line store.

      4.1. If we look at the product page, the one time purchase is full price ($5.00).

      One Time Purchase

      4.2. If we add a subscription to our basket, we can see that the subscription is getting a discount.


    To Manage Subscriptions

    Managing Subscriptions really means editing a subscription after it has been purchased.

    To Edit a Subscription in the Admin Interface

    You can view and edit subscriptions in two places:

    1. Go to: Menu> Order Processing > Subscriptions tab or

      Menu> Catalog > Products tab > edit a product > Subscription tab

    2. Select a subscription.

      Subscription Product

      • Delete:delete Cancels the subscription and deletes the subscription record.
      • Cancel: Cancels the subscription, but the subscription record will still appear in the Subscriptions tab.
      • Process: See To Process Subscriptions.
      • Orders: Opens a dialog box that shows you all of the orders that have been shipped for this subscription.
      • View Customer: Takes you to the customer record for the customer who bought this subscription.
    3. Double-click the subscription to open the Edit Subscription dialog box. In this dialog box you can edit almost every part of the subscription.

      Edit Subscription

      • Select Shipping Method: Change the shipping method.
      • Cancel Subscription: Cancels the subscription, but the subscription record will still appear in the Subscriptions tab.
      • Reset Remaining Orders: Let's say you have a subscription with a total of 12 orders. You are going to send the customer one jar of coffee every month for 12 months. At the moment, the customer has received 6 orders, so there are 6 orders remaining in the subscription. If you edit the subscription and click Reset Remaining Orders, the number of remaining orders would go back to 12. You might use this feature if there had been a problem with some of the shipments and you wanted to restart the subscription for the customer.

    Customer Experience - Edit a Subscription

    You can configure your products so that customers are able to change their subscriptions, even after checkout. For example, if you want, you can allow customers to change a weekly shipment of coffee to a monthly shipment, after they have purchased the subscription.

    1. In the admin interface, go to:

      Menu> Catalog > Products tab > edit a product > Products tab > Subscription Settings section.


      There are four checkboxes that allow your customer to make changes to a subscription after they've completed checkout. See below for an example of what these permissions look like from the customer's perspective.

    2. Alert

      You may want to reconsider letting the customer cancel a subscription if you are also discounting your subscriptions.

      As of 11/30/16, there is no way to prevent a customer from buying a subscription and then canceling it after one order to take advantage of a discounted subscription price.

      For example:

      1. You sell an individual jar of coffee for $5.00.
      2. If the customer buys the coffee by subscription, you discount each jar to $4.25. See To Discount a Subscription.
      3. You've configured the subscription so that it can be cancelled by the customer.
      4. The customer buys the subscription, receives their first jar of coffee at the discount price, and then cancels the subscription.
    3. The customer browses to your store and signs into their account.
    4. When you use MivaPay, your customers will see a new area in their account called the "Wallet". In the Wallet section, the customer clicks on Manage Subscriptions.

      Manage Subscriptions

    5. In the next screen the customer clicks Edit Subscriptions.
    6. In the Edit Subscription screen, the customer changes their subscription and clicks Save Changes.

    Subscription Settings

    Email Notifications for Subscriptions

    In 9.0006 there are new email templates for subscriptions.

    1. Go to Menu> Order Fulfillment > Template Based Emails tab.
    2. Filter on Subscription. You'll see four new templates:

    Order Fulfillment

    You also can customize these emails by editing their template code:

    Order Fulfillment > Template Based Emails Tab

    Go to “Menu" > User Interface > Pages tab > search for "subscription".

    User Interface

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