Comparing Weight Based Shipping Modules
Miva Merchant has three weight based shipping modules. See Shipping.
Base + Weight Shipping |
- Create as many shipping methods as you want, "Economy under
5 pounds", "Economy 5 - 9.99 pounds", etc.
- Each shipping method has 1 weight range.
- The total shipping charge is:
(weight of order x shipping charge per unit weight) + base
- Create a Base + Weight shipping method:
- The customer's order weighs 3 pounds. The shipping charge is:
(3 lbs x $2.00/lb) + $5.00 = $11.00
Minimum or Weight Shipping |
- Create as many shipping methods as you want, "Economy under
5 pounds", "Economy 5 - 9.99 pounds", etc.
- Each shipping method has 1 weight range.
- The total shipping charge is:
(weight of order x shipping charge per unit weight) or minimum
charge, whichever is greater.
- Create a Minimum or Weight shipping method:
- The customer's order weighs 3 pounds. The shipping charge is:
(3 lbs x $2.00/lb) OR ($10.00 minimum) = $10.00
Weight Table Shipping |
In Weight Table Based Shipping you create a set of ranges based on
the weight of the customer's total order. Each weight range can have
a different shipping charge. For example:
Range 1: 0 - 4.99 pounds, charge $4.00 to ship the entire order.
Range 2: 5 - 9.99 pounds, charge $6.00 to ship the entire order.