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Miva 10.06.00 - What's New

Support for Account Rates & UPS Small Business Contracts

With the release of Miva version 10.06.00, the admin now supports UPS Small Business Contracts within the UPS Developer Kit module.

To use this function, from the UPS Developer tab of Shipping Settings, click “Other: Use Account Rates” in the UPS Account Type drop down menu, and then a little further down the page, click the box next to Use Negotiated Rates. This will provide the customer with the most accurate rates for the store.


Updated Square Payments Integration

Version 10.06.00 updated the Miva admin’s integration with Square.

Now, the most current Payment APIs are in use and the new User Interface for credit card transactions during checkout is being used.


For more information, visit the Miva 10 – Square documentation, here.

Admin User Search Preference

A new User Search Preference is now part of the global search within the admin. When using the global search, a new “menu” (three dots) icon is available in the upper right corner. Clicking the icon opens a drop down that allows users to select from several results types that can be excluded from the search function.

While the most common use case will be to exclude inactive products from the search results, other settings include the ability to show or hide: Affiliate Results, Attribute Templates, Category Results, Customer Results, Page Results, Product Results, Framework Results, Order Results and Upsale Results.

This helps the search be more efficient by being able to eliminate unwanted results.


For additional information on User Preferences, click here.

Redis Cache Key Added

The Redis cache key will now exclude the “gclid” parameter by default, from Redis Caching, when it is enabled. Ignoring this parameter allows Redis to serve the cached version of the page, even through the gclid parameter is different with reach request.


PageBuilder Components Updates - Image Across

In PageBuilder, the 10.06.00 release updates the Image Across component in two different ways. Now, the image(s) used in the component are clickable, as long as a link is defined.

In addition, a new Background Color property has been added to both the Advanced: Desktop and Advanced: Mobile subsections, allowing users to select a color to serve as a background for the text associated with the image(s).

PB Categories Component Pic 9_2.png

Looking for Developer Docs?

We have a whole section for that, including: Developer Training Series, Template Language docs, Module Development tutorials and much, much more.

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