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Create an Affiliate Account

You can create affiliate accounts in the admin interface. In addition, you can allow potential affiliates to create their own accounts in your online store.

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Creating an Affiliate Account in the Admin

To create an affiliate account in the admin, click the Marketing header on the left side of the page, then click the Affiliates tab.

On the page that opens, you will see a batch list of current affiliates. If you have no affiliates, the page will not have a batch list. To create an affiliate account, click the Add Affiliate button in the top right corner.

On the page that opens you will configure the affiliate account.

Identification Tab

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Login: This is the affiliate’s user name they will enter to log into their affiliate account on your online store.

Lost Password Email: This is the email address that the affiliate’s password will be mailed to if they click the Forgot Password link on your online store.

Password/Confirm Password: The affiliate’s password.

Application Status: The status you set here will override the store-wide value you set in the Affiliate Options section (located under the Marketing header, and the Settings tab).

When finished, click the Add button.

Info Tab

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Site Name/Site URL: Where the affiliate is sending customers to your website from.

Contact Information: Fill in the rest of the contact information for the affiliate.

Commission Tab

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The commission tab is where you establish what the affiliate will be paid for reach referral. The values you set here will override the default settings in the Affiliate Options section (located under the Marketing header, and the Settings tab).

Commission Per Referral: The affiliate gets a commission when the customer clicks on the link to your store, and no purchase by the customer is required.

Commission Percent of Order: The affiliate’s commission is a percentage of the customer’s total order.

Commission Flat Fee per Order: The affiliate receives a flat fee for every customer referral that results in a purchase. The size of the order does not matter.

Balance: Shows the affiliate’s current commission balance.

Earnings Tab

After an affiliate is created, the Earnings tab is shown in addition to the previous three tabs. The earnings tab will show a record of every commission an affiliate has earned.

In addition, you can use the earnings tab to manually adjust their earnings if needed.

To adjust earnings, from the earnings tab, click Add Adjustment.

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Order ID: Enter an Order ID to associate the earnings with an order.

Order Amt: The amount of the order.

Earned: This is the amount you are paying the affiliate.

Void: Clicking this will void the earning.

Void Reason: You can enter a void reason if desired.

Adjustment Reason: You can enter an adjustment reason if desired.

Adjusted by: This field is automatically filled with the name of the person who is making the adjustment.

When finished, click Add

Creating an Affiliate Account in Your Online Store

From your online store, potential affiliates can click the Affiliate Login link.

On the Affiliate Log In page (AFCL), click the Register button.

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In the page that opens, the Affiliate Create page (AFAD), the affiliate will set a login and password, and enter their contact information.

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When finished, they click the Save button.

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