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Apple Pay

Shoppers of your online store are able to use Apple Pay in order to take advantage of the convenience it provides. Not actually its own payment module, Apple Pay works in concert with other payment modules.

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Click the following for more information about Authorize.Net and Braintree.

How to Enable Apple Pay

The Apple Pay module can be found by clicking Settings in the lower left corner, then clicking Modules.

On the page that opens, you can narrow the module options by clicking the drop down in the “Type” box and then clicking Payment.


In the Apple Pay box, click the Install button.


After it is installed, there is a new section in the Settings tab called Apple Pay Payment Networks. This is where the Apple Pay payment methods are mapped to one of the supported payment gateways in the Miva admin. The default value is “Automatic” which means the system will automatically choose the first gateway installed that supports Apple Pay.


The Automatic setting can be overridden to map Apple Pay to a specific gateway. This is useful when you have more than one Apple Pay supported payment gateway set up in your store, and you want to use that one rather than another. Currently only and Braintree gateways support Apple Pay. You will need to have one of these installed in your store to setup Apple Pay.


Starting with the 10.07 release, the Miva admin now supports the configuration of a store’s local currency and country when using the Apple Pay module.

Previously, the Apple Pay module would show US/USD values even if a merchant is located outside of the United States. Now users can select the appropriate country and currency in the Apple Pay tab in Payment Settings.

Adding Apple Pay to Page Templates


The Apple Pay button can ONLY be displayed on a secured page (https). If you want to use the Apple Pay button on your basket, or a product page, you need to make sure those pages are being served over https.

It is recommended, for best conversion results with Apple Pay, the Apple Pay button should be placed on the following locations:

Each page where you want to place the Apple Pay button requires three steps:


Head Tag Item


Product Page Tag


Basket/Checkout Tag



The Apple Pay button on the product page (with the param=”product” above) allows the customer to quickly purchase just the item they are viewing. Any additional items in their cart will be ignored. All other Apple Pay buttons will purchase the entire cart.

Apple Pay Button Options

Apple Pay buttons have a handful of configuration options which allow you to customize certain aspects of the button.

Type Choice

Style Choice

Apple recommends that the width and height of the Apple Pay button matches the existing buttons on your website. Apple Pay payment buttons can be equal to or larger than similar payment or checkout buttons. You should not specific a size that is smaller than other buttons on your site.

Type/Style Options

Buy with Apple Pay white with outline


Buy with Apple Pay white


Buy with Apple Pay black


Apple Pay plain white


Apple Pay plain white with outline


Apple Pay plain black


Enable Apple Pay on Your Payment Gateway

Before you can use Apple Pay you need to allow your payment gateway to accept Apple Pay.


To enable Apple Pay for Braintree, you will need to log in to your Braintree account.

Then, click Settings and then click Processing.

Then, under Accept Apple Pay, click Enable.

You also need to complete the verify and register your domain with Apple.

There are no settings needed for It supports Apple Pay on the following Merchant Processors:

Error Validation

Beginning with Miva version 9.12, Apple Pay supports error validation. This means that missing required address fields will not be validated before the order is allowed to be placed. The Miva admin will use the required fields you have configured within Miva to determine which fields are set to be required.

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