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Attribute Facet and Value Replacements

This feature adds the ability to correct and/or consolidate attribute facets and attribute facet values. Two new tabs can be found within the Catalog screen, Attribute Facet Corrections and Attribute Facet Option Corrections.

The Update Attribute Facets button within the Attribute Facet tab will clear the attribute facet cache.

Update Attribute Facet

Attribute Facet

Facet Update Batch List

When a record(s) in the batch list is selected the action to Update Prompts becomes available.

Attribute Facet Action Options

The Update Prompts button will render a dialog in which text can be entered to update the attribute facet prompt.

Attribute Facet Update

Attribute Facet Options

Within this tab attribute prompts can be updated on an individual value level.

Attribute Facet Options

When a record(s) in the batch list is selected the action to Update Prompts becomes available.

Attribute Facet Options Action Options

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