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Customer Dashboard

  1. Overview
  2. Customer Information
  3. Orders
  4. Notes
  5. Subscriptions
  6. Account Credit
  7. Price Groups
  8. Payment Cards
  9. Widgets


Miva 10.01.00 introduces a customer dashboard which shows the most valuable metrics to give you insight into the behavior of your customers. Pre 10.01.00 the customer information was separated into tabs within the admin. The new customer dashboard has pulled the data from each tab and displayed it in one place using widgets that offer a modal or direct link to easily update the information. The new dashboard also allows module developers to create widgets to display module related information on the customer dashboard.

In addition to the new dashboard, 10.01.00 has surfaced the customer average order value to help identify high value customers.

Customer Dashboard

Customer Information

The customer information widget has a snapshot of the customer’s current information. Within the header of the widget the customer's default shipping first and last name will appear along with the date the customer was created. If the customer has the tax exempt status checked it will also appear in the header. Other data values include number of orders, average order value, and lifetime order total.

The first section within the customer information widget displays the Customer Info, including the customer’s username, email lost passwords to, business accounts (if assigned) and password update link. Below the Customer Info the default Billing and Shipping addresses for the customer are shown.

Selecting Edit on the Customer Info section will open the Edit Customer Info modal and allow for a quick way to update the Login, Email Lost Passwords To, Business Account and Tax Exempt fields.

Change Password will allow you to update the customer password within a modal.

Selecting Edit on any of the default addresses will open a modal with a batch list of all the customer addresses that can be assigned.

Add Address will open the Add Customer Address Modal.

View Address Book will open a modal containing the batch list of all the customer’s addresses.


The Orders widget contains the 6 most recent orders from the customer with a link to create a new order attached to the customer’s account.

View All will open a batch list of all the customer’s order history and a link to create a new order attached to the customer’s account.


The Note widget contains the three most recent notes assigned to the customer with a link to create a new note for the customer.

View All opens a modal containing a batch list of all the customer’s notes with a link to create a new note.


Within the Subscriptions widget a list of the recent six product subscriptions will display.

New Subscription will open a modal to easily add a new product subscription to the customer’s account.

View All will open a modal with a batch list containing all the cust alt="" src="graphics/00000001/2/image1.png">

Account Credit

The Account Credit widget displays the customer’s total credit balance.

Add Credit opens the Adjust Credit Balance modal with settings to add an amount, Transaction Reference (Optional), and Description to the credit being applied.

View History opens a modal with a batch list of the customer credit history.

Price Groups

The Price Groups Widget will display the top four price groups based on the priority setting.

View All opens a modal containing a batch list with all the price groups to easily assign and unassign.

Payment Cards

The Payment Cards widget will display the three most recently added customer payment cards.

Edit will open a modal of all the available customer payment cards.

New Card will open the Add Customer Payment Card modal to add a new payment card to the customer’s account.


The Widgets section will display other module data if the module has the widget functionality.


The Managed Quotes module has a widget which will display the current customer quotes with the ability to view all in a modal and a link to create a new quote.

Widgets API

Using the new widgets API module developers have the ability to create custom widgets to display in the Widgets section of the customer dashboard. Below is a sample module using the functionality.

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