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Custom Field Groups

Custom Field Groups give you an easy way to organize and manage your custom fields.

When you assign a custom field to a group, it allows you to sort and filter using group names so that you can easily work with specific fields as needed.

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In the example above there are several Custom Fields, and they’ve been assigned to groups; either Additional Order Information or Product Tabs.

If you enter “Product Tabs” in the Search Custom Fields box on the page, it will filter out all but those fields that belong to the Product Tabs group. You can also click on the headings of the table to sort by those values.

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Adding a New Custom Field Group

1. To add a new custom field group, from the Custom Field Groups tab, click the Add Group button in the top right corner.

2. A new line appears in the list. Enter a code and a name for the group, then click Save Changes.

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Assigning a Custom Field to a Group

1. To assign an existing Custom Field to a Custom Field Group, from the Custom Field tab, click on a field name.

2. In the box that opens, select the appropriate group from the dropdown.

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3. Click Save.

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