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Domain Details

The Domain Details tab is where many of the details for your store and associated domain is kept. Much of the information and settings will not need to be changed, though there are a few settings that may need your attention.


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Domain Name: This is the domain name where your store will be hosted and is usually set up when your first store is created. It rarely, if ever, should change. You can have multiple stores under the same domain. If you change your domain, the Miva admin usually makes the change for you.

IP Address: The IP address of your store on the server.

License #: The license number assigned your store when it was created.

Partner: This is who you purchased your store from. In most cases this is Miva Merchant, but there are distributors who sell stores.

Version: The Miva admin software version that is currently installed.

Licensed Concurrent Users: This is a static field that tells you how many concurrent licenses you have. Starting with Miva 9, you are allowed to create as many admin accounts as desired, but the number of admin users who can login at the same time is limited by the number of licenses purchased.

Manage additional licenses: This link goes to the page to manage licenses.

Admin Sessions: Another static field that tells you how many admin users are currently logged in, and the largest number of admin users that have been logged into your store at the same time.

Reset Session Statistics: Checking this box and clicking update will reset the admin sessions stats.


The fields in this tab are usually filled out when your store is first created and rarely need updating. Though, if the store ownership is transferred to someone else, or the store address and phone number changes, this is where those changes are made.

Site Configuration

The Site Configuration section contains settings for advanced users, and changes to this section should not be made unless you understand the changes you are making and how they may impact your site.

Password Settings

The settings in the Password Settings section affect accounts for Miva admin users using the admin interface. This is not for customer accounts. The default settings in this section meet PCI compliance standards.

Force Password Change After: This allows you to set the number of days, after which an admin user will be forced to change their password.

Password Reuse: This sets the standard for allowable Password Reuse. If the “User may not reuse their last X password(s)” is clicked, you can choose how many new passwords must be created until a user is allowed to reuse an older password.

Minimum Password Length: This sets the minimum number of characters a password must be.

Password Complexity: This establishes the required complexity of a user’s password. The options are:


This section sets limits on how long certain functions will exist or last within the Miva admin.

Shopping Interface Cookie Expiration: The determines how long the session cookie is valid. The default is one year.


Your cookie should always be set to a value higher than your Basket Timeout, otherwise a shopper could appear to lose a live basket.

Shopping Interface Secure Cookie Expiration: If a customer is on a non-SSL page in your store, the Miva admin creates a non-secure session cookie. If the customer is on an SSL page in your store, the Miva admin creates a secure session cookie. This field determines how long a secure session cookie is valid. As above, your cookie should always be set to a value higher than your Basket Timeout.

Administrative Session Timeout: PCI compliance standards require that the admin session time out be 15 minutes or less. When a timeout occurs, admin users are automatically returned to the login screen.

Administrative Session Failed Login Lockout Time: The lockout time occurs when a Miva admin user exceeds the maximum number of login attempts. PCI compliance standards require a lockout time of 30 minutes or longer.

Administrative Session Failed Login Attempts Allowed: Sets the maximum number of login attempts for the Miva admin interface.

Failed Login Delay: A value, in milliseconds, that a Miva admin users must wait after entering an incorrect username or password. For example, 5,000 milliseconds means the user will have to wait 5 seconds to try again.

Upload Settings

There is only one setting in the Upload Settings section and it pertains to the image quality uploaded.

JPEG Image Quality: This field controls the quality of jpg images that are uploaded to the admin. Reducing the image quality can significantly reduce the image size. This field does not affect other image types, like .gif and .png files. It also does not impact legacy images.

Mail Settings

Mail Server: This is the address of your web host’s mail server that sends out emails. You can get this address from your hosting company.

Encryption: The encryption field is only used if you area connecting to an external mail server. Values are:

Port: The number of the connection port on your mail server.

Mail User: If you are connecting to an external email server, enter the account username here.

Mail Password/Verify Mail Password: If you are connecting to an external email server, enter the account password in these fields.

Add Angle Brackets to Email Addresses: Some hosts require that angle brackets enclose the email address. Contact your hosting company to find out if you need to use angle brackets.

Mail Method: Some web hosts use an optional commerce library method to send email. If yours does, they will either set this up for you, or will tell you want to enter here. If you’re unsure, leave the field blank.

Cookie Settings

The Cookie Settings section contains settings for advanced users, and changes to this section should not be made unless you understand the changes you are making and how they may impact your site.

Upgrade Settings

The Upgrade Settings section is where you establish the frequency you want the Miva admin to check for software upgrades.

Upgrade Stream: This setting will likely not ever need to be changed.

Check for Upgrades: Sets the frequency that the admin will check for software upgrades.

Review Installed Updates: Lists all the updates that have been applied to your store’s current production version.

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