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The Modules tab is where you are able to see a complete list of modules that are part of your Miva store, as well as add and remove modules as needed.

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Modules Batch List

Clicking on the Modules tab in the Domain Settings page will open up the Modules Batch List. Here you can see all the modules that are currently installed for your store.


Because the Miva admin is basically made up of lots of different modules, there will always be pre-populated modules listed. There are also modules available from third-party providers on These add additional functionality to the Miva admin.

The Modules Batch List is an easy way for you to see what is installed on your store. It can be sorted like any other Batch List in the Miva admin and columns of information can be added and removed. You can also use the Filter by Feature button to more easily find the module you are looking for.

For more information, visit the Design and User Experience page.

Sorting Modules

To sort the modules batch list, click the header of a column and it will reorder the batch list alphabetically, either from A-Z or Z-A.

Filtering Modules

To filter the list, click the Filter by Feature button and then select the filter you wish to apply. For example, to show only modules that have to do with payments, select the “payment” filter. You can select multiple filters. To restore the batch list to the complete list, just uncheck the filters you selected.

Adding/Removing Modules

To Add or Remove a module from a third-party provider, you first have to download the .mvc file from

Once the file is downloaded to your computer, from the Modules tab, click the Add Module button.

On the Add Module page, click Upload next to the empty field. In the Upload File box that opens, click Choose File and navigate to where you saved the downloaded file. Select it, then click Open. Next, click the Overwrite box. This simply overwrites any previous version of the downloaded file if there is one. Then, click Upload to upload the file to your store.

Next, click Settings and then click Modules. Navigate or Search for the module you just uploaded, and click Install.


At this point, each module has their own configuration settings that need to be completed.


If you have more than one store, the module must be installed on each store you want it to be on.

To remove a module, click Settings, and then Modules. Navigate or Search for the module you want to uninstall. Click the three dots box next to the Installed indicator and then click Uninstall.

Looking for Developer Docs?

We have a whole section for that, including: Developer Training Series, Template Language docs, Module Development tutorials and much, much more.

Head to the Developer Section

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