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You can track inventory in your store through the Miva admin, both at the master product level as well as the variant level – if you are using inventory variants/attributes. You are not required to use the inventory function, but it can make managing your online store much easier.

On this Page

Accessing Inventory Settings

1. To access the Inventory settings, from the Catalog page, click the Inventory tab.

2. In order to use the inventory functionality, you must click the Track Inventory button.

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Inventory Settings

The Inventory Settings page is where you decide how your site will handle certain aspects of inventory and how your customers experience those aspects. You can also set inventory levels for products that do not have attributes and create product-specific inventory messages.

Remove Products from Available Inventory

This setting is one of the most important and dictates a lot of how your customers will experience the website. You can choose to have products removed from inventory when a customer adds them to their shopping basket, or you can choose to have products removed from inventory when the customer completes the checkout process. For more information, click here.

When Inventory is Unavailable at Checkout

This setting dictates what happens to a customer when the product they selected is out of stock at the time they check out. Shoppers will receive an error message and they are redirected to a page of your choosing.


There is a lengthy list of pages a customer can be redirected to. Be sure to scroll down to see all of the available options.

In Stock Message (Short)

This is the short message that displays to show inventory is in stock.

In Stock Message (Long)

This is the long message that displays to show inventory is in stock.

Track Low Stock Level

Click this box if you want to enable tracking of a low stock level. This allows you to set up automatic emails to notify you when inventory reaches the low stock level you choose.

You can also use the low stock level to create kind of a “reserve” inventory, if you want to make sure you always have a few items on hand. For example, if you have 5 items of a product on hand, and you set the low stock level to 3, and you use the “In Stock Message (long), customers will see “%inv_instock% available for immediate delivery” where %inv_instock% equals 2.


As a default, the Miva admin uses the low stock level that is set at the store level. If you set a low level for something at the product level, it supersedes the store default.

Low Stock Message (Short)

This is the short message that displays to let a customer know a product has low stock.

Low Stock Message (Long)

This is the long message that displays to let a customer know a product has low stock.

Track Out of Stock Level & Hide Out of Stock Products

These boxes dictate what your customers see, or don’t see, when a product is out of stock.

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This also allows you to set up automatic emails to notify you when inventory reaches the out of stock level you have set.

You can also use the out of stock level to create kind of a “reserve” for your inventory, just like the low stock level explained above. In a similar example as above, if you have 5 of an item on hand, and you set the out of stock level to 3, when your inventory reaches 3, customers will see the out of stock message. If you have the “Hide Out of Stock Products” box checked, customers will not see the product on your website.


If you set “Track Out of Stock Level,” “Hide Out of Stock Products” or “Out of Stock Level” to the default, the store level setting will be used.

Available Tokens

This is the list of tokens that you can use in your store inventory messages. A token expresses a value that it takes from your inventory (like Product Name or Product Code) or a value it calculates based on your inventory.

Inventory Email Notification

This section is where you set up the admin to send you automatic emails based on inventory settings you established above.

Inventory Email Notification

This section is where you set up the admin to send you automatic emails based on inventory settings you established above.

Send Email When Stock is Low & Send Email When Stock is Out

These boxes dictate when the system will send you or your employees an email, based on the settings you chose.

To use this functionality you must:

Automated emails are triggered by out of stock/low stock levels at both the store level and the product level.

For example:

Remaining Email Settings

Enter the email addresses you wish the emails to generate from and deliver to. You may also enter email addresses in the CC field.

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In the Subject field and the Email Message field you will enter what your respective message in each field will be. You may also use the tokens available, which are listed below the fields, in both the subject and the email message fields.

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