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Manage Quotes Price Groups

With the release of Miva 10.03, Price Groups for the Manage Quotes module is now supported. This allows you to offer discounts through the Manage Quotes module.

On this Page

Create a Price Group

To get started, click the Marketing header and then make sure you’re in the Price Groups tab. To create a new price group, click the Add Price Group button.

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Give the group a name, select who is eligible for the discount (Coupon Only, Specific Customers, All Logged-in Customers or All Shoppers), and then select the type of discount. When finished, click the Add button.

In this example we have named the group “Volume Discount,” are making only Specific Customers eligible for the discount and we have selected Volume Pricing.

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Under Discount Settings we have set the group up for a discount for customers who are buying the same product, we’re applying the discount using the total quantity of items and we have decided that if customers order five of the same item, they will receive a 20% discount.

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Basket/Qualifying Restrictions

Next, configure your desired Basket/Qualifying Restrictions. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Price Group Settings

Then, configure your desired Price Group Settings. For more info on configuring these, click here.


Finally, configure your desired Exclusions. For more info on configuring exclusions, click here.

When finished, click the Add button.

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Applying Price Group to Product

In order to have the price group apply to the desired product, you need to assign it to the price group you just created.

There are two ways to do this. You can click the Catalog header and then click the product you wish to have the price group apply to. Then click the Price Group tab on the product page, and then click the Assigned slider for the Price Group that you want to apply to the product.

Or, from the Price Groups page you can click the box next to the Price Group you want to apply, and then the more button.

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Then click the slider under the Assigned header for the product you wish the group to apply to.

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Applying Price Group to Specific Customer

Likewise, in order to have the price group apply to a specific customer, you need to assign the customer to the price group you just created.

There are also two ways you can do this. You can go to the customer’s page and click the Price Groups tab. Once there you will click the Assigned slider for the Price Group you wish to apply.

Or, from the Price Groups page you can click the box next to the Price Group you want to apply, and then the more button. Then click the slider under the Assigned header for the customer you wish to apply.

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Discount Displayed on Quote Page

Now when you click the quote in the Manage Quotes page, the discount will display.

In addition, if you decide to add a new discount on top of the original one, or increase or decrease the original one, the Manage Quotes functionality now has a Recalculate Discounts button that allows you to update the discount right from the quote screen.

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Basket discounts do not work in Manage Quotes. So if your store is, for example, running a 10% discount off all items in a cart, that discount will not affect the quote price.

Likewise, when the customer views the quote, they will see the discount figured into the quote.

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