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PageBuilder - Hero Banner Component

Your Hero Banner is the area of your webpage between the top navigation and the start of your content. It's often an image but doesn't have to be. It generally serves as the starting point for your page and is usually the first thing a webpage visitor sees.

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Because of its prominence, it provides you with a powerful way to directly address website visitors, either generally speaking, or to present unique marketing messages that will grab their attention as soon as they visit your website or webpage.

On this Page

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Component Name: The name of the component. The default value is “Hero” but it can be edited as needed. For example, if you created a special Labor Day sale hero banner, you could name it “Labor Day Hero.”

Banner Link: This setting allows you to link the banner to one of four options. The options are: URL, Product, Category or Page.

Properties: Image

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Hero Image: This is the main image on your hero banner. Clicking the icon next to the file name box opens the Add Image page. You can upload a new image, select an image that is already in your system or add an image that is already on your server by using the path to the image.

Image Height: Choose the size of your hero image. The choices are: Defined by Image Size, Small, Medium or Large. Changing the image size in the drop down menu, changes the size of the image in the live preview window, allowing you to see what your choice looks like.

Image Settings

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The Image Settings subsection allows you to set specific images for when your website is viewed on a mobile device or tablet. If you don’t set specific images for those, your main hero image will be resized to fit.

Alt/Title Text: The Alt/Title Text is text that displays when a website visitor hovers their mouse over the image in question and its use is considered a best practice, particularly when it comes to SEO.

Properties: Text

In order to use the Text function in the Hero banner, you must click the slider next to the Text header to enable it.

Alt text here

Content Placement: This determines where the text element will display in the banner. The options are: Left, Center and Right.

Text Alignment: This determines how the text and button allign within the text element. The options are: Left, Center and Right.

Alt text here

Content Placement/Text Alignment: In this example, from left to right, the values are Content Placement and Text Alignment left, Content Placement and Text Alignment center and Content Placement and Text Alignment right.


For the rest of the configuration options for elements like Heading Text, Subheading Text, Body Text and Button Text, please visit the Text Settings document, here.

Advanced: Spacing

The Spacing section of the Advanced tab allows you to alter the spacing, or padding, on the top and the bottom of the component. This establishes the space between this component and the page elements adjacent to it. It is set in pixels.

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Advanced: Desktop

The Desktop section of the Advanced tab allows you to change additional aspects of the look of the text element in the Hero banner.

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Text Background Color: This establishes whether or not the text element has a background color. If the slider is not clicked to green, the text box will be transparent and you can see the hero image behind the text.

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Text Background Color: If the Text Background Color is not enabled, you will see the Hero Image behind your text element.

Color: If the slider is clicked green, the Color field will display, allowing you to select the color of the text box background. Clicking the box below Color opens the color picker. There are many options.

You can use Slider Mode to find a desired color. Clicking the drop down opens up three options: RGBa, HSLa and CMYKa.

You can also input a color code. There are five Input Modes: RGBa, HSLa, CMYKa, HEX and HEXa.

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Text Container Width: This establishes the width of the text container compared to the width of the main image. The options are: 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%.

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Text Container Width: In this example, from left to right, the container width is 30%, 50% and 70%.

Image Shader Overlay: This allows you to shade the main image, which can bring attention to the text element. You can enter the amount of shade you want, as a percentage, or you can use the slider.

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Image Shader Overlay: In this example, from left to right, the Image Shader Overlay values are 30% and 70%.

Advanced: Mobile

The Mobile section of the Advanced tab allows you to tailor the settings for the text element for Mobile users.

Alt text here


If the settings in this section are not adjusted the admin will use the same settings as in the desktop version of the page.

Text Background Color: This establishes whether or not the text element has a background color. If the slider is not clicked to green, the text box will be transparent.

Alt text here

Mobile Text Background Color: In this example, on the left, the text element without background color and on the right, the text element with background color.

Content Theme: The Content Theme setting allows you to quickly change the text and button colors when they are used over light or dark backgrounds. Rather than needing to go into each text element and individually change them due to the background, you can change the theme of all of the elements quickly in one spot.

The Content Theme settings are:

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