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PageBuilder - Mobile, Tablet, Desktop Preview

PageBuilder provides you with an easy way to see how your webpage will look on screens of varying sizes, including mobile devices, tablets and desktops.

This functionality is particularly important for marketing efforts, to make sure things like a new Hero banner, for example, looks good on the different devices people use to browse the store.

In the upper right corner you will see a Screen drop down box, and three icons next to it, one for a mobile device, one for a tablet and one for a desktop computer screen.

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On this Page


If you click the first icon next to the Screen drop down, your webpage shrinks to mimic the dimensions of a mobile device, like a phone. This allows you to make changes to the page and view them as a customer would see the page on their mobile device.

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The tablet icon, like the mobile icon, shrinks the webpage to mimic the way it would display on a tablet.

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Clicking the desktop returns the webpage to the default view, which is based on the screen resolution Miva detects you are using.

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Screen Dropdown

Clicking the screen dropdown opens a list of screen sizes you can use to view your webpage on various sized screens.

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There is also an option to add a new screen size by clicking Add New and entering the screen size, in pixels, in the box that opens.

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Looking for Developer Docs?

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