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Payment Method Rules

Payment Method Rules give you control over how payment methods display to your shoppers during the checkout process.

The concept of Payment Method Rules is basically the same as the concepts for Shipping Method Rules. The difference is Payment Method Rules affect how payment methods appear to shoppers, in three general ways; sorting, restrictions and exclusions.

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Priorities are how you sort and display payment methods to your shoppers. By default, all payment methods have a priority of 0. You change the order in which they display during the checkout process by changing the priority.

Priorities can be changed by clicking the Edit Priorities button in the upper right corner of the Payment Method Rules tab. In the box that opens, priorities are entered in the fields numerically.

Payment methods with higher priorities display first. For example, if you assign a priority to Authorize.Net Visa of 10, it will display at the top of the list. Methods with lower number priorities, like 1, will display toward the bottom of the list.

After the priorities are set, click Save.

Availability Groups

You can assign an Availability Group to a particular Payment Method.


For additional information, check out the Availability Groups document.

For example, you can assign the “Check” payment method to a Wholesale Customers group. To do so, you will select the payment method you want to assign to the group, and then click the Availability Groups button.

In the window that opens, you can choose the Availability Group you want to assign. When finished, click Close.

Edit Payment Method Rules

You can customize the Payment Method Rules for a specific Payment Method. To do so, just click on the payment method in the batch list. There are a number of configuration options in the box, explained below.

Priorities: This is another place where you can adjust the priority of a particular payment method.

Display As: This field allows you to rename the payment method. For example, you could rename the “Check” payment options to “Purchase Order.”

Restrict Order Total: These fields allow you to restrict a payment method to order that falls within a certain dollar amount.

Geographic Restrictions: This section allows you to restrict payment options for states or countries. For example, if you want to restrict a payment option to only the United States, you would click the box next to Restrict to These Countries and then select United States. You can restrict a payment options to a state the same way in the respective section.

Restrict to Zip Codes: If you want to restrict the payment method to particular zip codes, you would enter the codes here, separated by a comma.

Exclusions: There are times when you want to have a specific payment options for selected products. For example, you want to allow a wholesale buyer to purchase a large item by Purchase Order.

One way to accomplish this is by checking the “Exclude This Method Unless Permitted by Products” in the Exclusions section.

Then, visit the product page you wish to establish the exclusion for. Scroll down to the Payment Rules section. In order for this to work, you must first click the box next to Limit Payment Methods, then below that, click the box next to the Permitted Payment Method you want to allow for the product. If you only complete one of these actions, it will not work.

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