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Price Groups - Markup from Cost

The Markup from Cost Price Group allows you to add to the cost of an item rather than discount it.

Creating a Markup from Cost Price Group

To create a Price Group, click the Marketing header and then the Price Groups tab.

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Next, click the Add Price Group button in the upper right corner.

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In the box that opens, give your Price Group a Name. Then decide what the Eligibility is for the Price Group you are creating. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Finally, select Markup from Cost in the type field.

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In the Discount Settings section, enter the percentage of the product’s cost you want to increase the price to.

For example, if you set the cost field of a product to $10, and you entered 50% in the Markup from Cost field, customers in this group will pay $15 for the product.

Basket/Qualifying Restrictions

Next, configure your desired Basket/Qualifying Restrictions. For more info on configuring these, click here.

Price Group Settings

Then, configure your desired Price Group Settings. For more info on configuring these, click here.


Finally, configure your desired Exclusions. For more info on configuring exclusions, click here.

When finished, click the Add button.

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