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Price Groups - Qualifying Items/Discounted Items

A key concept within Price Groups is the concept of Qualifying/Discounting items. The way these are configured will affect how your Price Groups behave.

To access these settings, click on Marketing, and then click the Price Groups tab if you are not already on that tab. Once there, select the box next to the price group you wish to configure, then click the menu button.

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In the drop down that appears, you can click the group you wish to configure, or you can Copy that Price Group, export selected Price Groups to a spreadsheet or delete the Price Group.


The configuration options available to you are dependent on the Price Group you are working on. Not all options are available for all Price Groups.

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Qualifying Products

Qualifying Products are products which a customer must put in their shopping basket in order to qualify for a discount.

To establish qualifying products, from the menu drop down, select Qualifying Products.

In the box that opens, click the slider in the Assigned column next to the product you wish to make a Qualifying Product.

For example, if you set up a Buy X Get Y Price Group, and wanted to give customers a hat for free if they bought a specific t-shirt, you would set the t-shirt as a qualifying product. That way, when the customer put the t-shirt in their shopping basket, they would get the free hat with purchase.

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In order for the selected qualifying products to get taken into account for a price group, the Qualifying Subtotal, Quantity or Weight must be set. If all these are 0, the qualifying products assigned to the price group are ignored.

Qualifying Subscriptions

Qualifying Subscriptions are subscriptions a customer must put in their shopping basket in order to qualify for a discount.

To establish qualifying subscriptions, from the menu drop down, select Qualifying Subscriptions.

In the box that opens, click the slider in the Assigned column next to the subscription you wish to make a Qualifying Subscription.

For example, if you set up a Buy X Get Y Price Group, and wanted to give customers a candle lighter for free if they subscribed to a quarterly candle subscription, you would set the candle as the qualifying subscription. That way, when the customer puts the candle subscription in their shopping basket, they would get the free candle lighter with purchase.

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Discounted Products

Discounted Products are products which a customer will receive a discount on at purchase.

To establish a discounted product, from the menu drop down, select Discounted Products.

In the box that opens, click the slider in the Assigned column next to the product(s) you want customers to receieve a discount on as part of the price group.

If you haven't already elsewhere, you can also set the discounted price. Just click the box next to the product, and then click In-Line Edit. Update to the new discounted product, then click Save Changes.


If you are simply trying to discount specific products, you do not need to set them as qualifying products. This is because in order for them to be discounted, they have to already be in a customer's cart, so setting them as a qualifying product isn't required.

Discounted Subscriptions

Discounted Subscriptions are subscriptions which a customer will receive a discount on at purchase.

To establish a discounted subscription, from the menu drop down, select Discounted Subscription.

In the box that opens, click the slider in the Assigned column next to the subscription(s) you want customers to receieve a discount on as part of the price group.


Limiting a Price Group to a Subscription allows you to create promotions on certain subscriptions and even specific terms of a subscription. For example, you can set it up so if a customer creates a subscription to reorder every 30 days, they will receive 10 percent off.

Each price group applies discounts in their own method, such as Percentage Discount, Specific Sale Price, Volume Pricing, etc.

Discounted Categories

Discounted Categories is a way for you to choose to discount an entire category of products, without having to worry about the individual products. As products are added, or removed, from that category, they will automatically get, or not get, the discount.

To establish a discounted category, from the menu drop down, select Discounted Categories.

In the box that opens, click the slider in the Assigned column next to the category or categories you want customers to receieve a discount on as part of the price group.

Use Case: Using Discounted Categories

You might use a Discounted Categories to discount a specific brand of product, or create a "sale" category. If you simply selected products, individually, to be on sale, as you added new products to your store, you would need to remember to go into the system and add them to the discount.

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