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Creating/Editing/Deleting Reports

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Create a Report

To Create a Report, click the Reports header on the left side of the page. On the page that opens, click the New Report button.

In the Add Report box that opens, you will first give your report a description and then select the desired Report Module.

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The fields that show up in the Add Report box will change depending on the Report Module you have chosen. Fields in Bold are required.

By default, Miva comes with 10 reporting modules:


Additional modules may appear if you have purchased third-party software.

Coupon Usage Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Compare Using: Total Discount, Average Discount, Number of Uses.

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen, in the expanded chart and in the exported data.

Display on Dashboard Box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Customer Sales Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Compare Using: Gross Revenue, Number of Orders, Units Sold.

Customers In/Not In Price Group: If you have created a Price Group, you can choose to show report data for only those customers in or not in that group.

Category: You can enter a product category to limit the report to only products in that category. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all categories. To increase the flexibility of your reports, you could create an inactive category, assign any products to it that you wish (because a product can belong to multiple categories) and then use that category for reporting purposes.

Product: You can enter a product to limit the report to only a specific product.

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen, in the expanded chart and in the exported data.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Geographic Sales Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: This function is not available for this report module.

Category: You can enter a product category to limit the report to only products in that category. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all categories. To increase the flexibility of your reports, you could create an inactive category, assign any products to it that you wish (because a product can belong to multiple categories) and then use that category for reporting purposes.

Product: You can enter a product to limit the report to only a specific product.

Metric: Choose between the report displaying Gross Revenue or Units Sold.

Address: Choose to base the report on the customer billing address or shipping address.

Country: Choose to have the report display data from all countries or for a single country.

State: Choose to have the report display data from all states or a single state.

Group By: Choose how the data is collated, by Country, State, City or Zip Code.

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen and in the expanded chart. This field works in conjunction with the Group By field.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Product Sales Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Compare Using: Gross Revenue or Units Sold.

Customers In/Not In Price Group: If you have created a Price Group, you can choose to show report data for only those customers in or not in that group.

Category: You can enter a product category to limit the report to only products in that category. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all categories. To increase the flexibility of your reports, you could create an inactive category, assign any products to it that you wish (because a product can belong to multiple categories) and then use that category for reporting purposes.

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen, in the expanded chart and in the exported data.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Sales Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Customers In/Not In Price Group: If you have created a Price Group, you can choose to show report data for only those customers in or not in that group.

Category: You can enter a product category to limit the report to only products in that category. If you leave the field blank, the report will include all categories. To increase the flexibility of your reports, you could create an inactive category, assign any products to it that you wish (because a product can belong to multiple categories) and then use that category for reporting purposes.

Product: You can enter a product to limit the report to only a specific product.

Display: Check the box next to the data you wish to see in the report. The options are:

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Sales Commission Report

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Order Source(s): This setting lets you choose the order source for the report. The options are All, Admin, Shop as Customer or Review Baskets.

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen, in the expanded chart and in the exported data.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Statistics Display

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: This function is not available for this report module.

Group By: This function is not available for this report module.

Display: Choose what you want to view in the report; Statistics or Best Sellers.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Subscription Statistics

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: How the report data is collated. Choose either the Hour, Day, Week, Month or Year to group the report by.

Subscriptions: Choose which subscriptions you want to view in the report. You can view all of them, or Selected ones.

Display: Check the box next to the data you wish to see in the report. The options are:

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Subscription Metrics

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: This function is not available for this report module.

Display: Check the box next to the data you wish to see in the report. The options are:

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Subscription Product Statistics

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Description: The name you plan to use to describe the report.

Report Module: The report type.

Date Range: The time period covered by the report.

Group By: This function is not available for this report module.

Metrics: Check the box next to the metrics you wish to see in the report. The options are:

Sort by: Choose how the report should sort the metrics. The options are:

Display: Choose the number of items that will display on the main screen and in the exported data.

Display on Dashboard box: Check if you wish this report to display on your dashboard.

Recalculate After: Sets the length of time before the system automatically refreshes the report data.

Editing a Report

To Edit a Report, click the Reports header on the left side of the page. On the Reports page that opens, click on the report you wish to edit.

The Edit Report box looks like identical to the Add Report box for the Report Module the report uses.

Make the desired edits, then click the Save button.

Deleting a Report

To delete a Report, click the Reports header on the left side of the page. On the Reports page, click on the report you wish to delete.

When the Edit Report box opens, click the Delete button. When the verification box opens, click OK.

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