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Store Details

The Store Details page is where many of the basic information and configuration settings are found.


On this Page


Store Icon: You can choose an icon to represent your store in the Miva admin. You can also upload your own icon for the store. If you have multiple stores using Miva, you can set different icons for each store.

Manager: Miva has three types of admin users: Administrators, Managers and ordinary admin users.

Store Code: The store code uniquely identifies a store in the database, and is also shown in the URL bar as a parameter when customers visit your online store.

Store Name: The store name appears in the Miva admin to indicate which store you are currently editing. If you have more than one store, your customers can also see the store name in the store selection screen.


This section contains contact information for the store manager, for use as default shipping information and as registration information for certain payment options. The fields in this section are prepopulated with whatever was entered when the initial store setup was done.


Weight Unit Display Suffix: In this field you enter the label to use throughout the store where weight is displayed. The default is pounds. This label is only for the convenience of your customers. You can use any term you like, such as ounces, kilos or tons. You could also describe your products in some non-weight units, like cartons, bags or pallets.

Weight Units: Enter the type of weight that units that you would like to use in your store for calculation and for submission to shipping carriers. You can only use one unit of measurement throughout the store. All your product weights will be measured by the same term.

Dimension Units: Enter the type of dimension units that you would like to use in your store for calculation and submission to shipping carriers. You can only use one unit of measurement throughout the store. All your product dimensions will be measured by the same term.

Basket Timeout (Minutes): This setting defines the time a shopper’s cart can be left without any action, like store browsing, additions to the basket, deletions or changes of quantity. There is no limit on the length of the timeout.

Just like in a physical store, when a customer puts an item in their shopping basket, it is removed from your inventory. Sometimes customers may leave their baskets without checking out. If enough products accumulate in abandoned baskets, it can artificially decrease your inventory and make it seem like you’ve run out of the items.

When the customer’s basket expires, the system returns those items to inventory when you delete the basket.

To determine the correct time limit for your store, consider the impact on your inventory levels if items are left in abandoned baskets, and the potential for your customers to be interrupted while shopping your store. You want to avoid appearing to be out of items, while items are tired up in forgotten baskets, but you also want to avoid frustrating shoppers by deleting their baskets while they are still browsing your store.

That said, expired baskets should be deleted regularly.

Legacy Price Group Overlap Resolution: When you offer special discounts to certain groups of customers using Price Groups, and a customer belongs to more than one Price Group, there can be a conflict between prices. Here you specify whether you want the customer to be offered the highest of the two prices, or the lowest.

First Order #: Allows you to establish what the first order number will be for your store.

Store User Inteface: This is a static field that shows which CSS user interface you are using. In most cases this will be CSSUI.

Sales Tax Calculation: Here you specify the sales tax method to use in your store. It is important to use this feature with caution. Typically, once your initial selection is made, it never changes. If you do select a different way of calculating sales tax later, any changes you have made, including customized tax rates, or tax settings that vary by product, will be lost. There are several different options:


Third-party modules supporting other tax methods may be available. If one of these is installed in your store, that option will be available along with those above.


After you have selected a tax module, that module name will appear as a tab in the tab bar of the Edit Store screen.

Currency Formatting: Select the appropriate currency formatting option from the drop-down list. The options are US Currency Formatting and Generic Currency Formatting.

Character Set: Set this to match the character set that you want to use in your store.

Spawn Scheduled Task Process: This setting allows you to have the Miva admin create a background thread which will sit and wait in the background until the task is set to run. The default value is 0 seconds, which means the thread won’t be created until the task is ready to run.

Recycle Scheduled Task Process: This setting allows you to recycle or “reset” the timeout of the background process before it reaches its timeout when you have multiple tasks running back to back.

Require Tax: Select the Require Tax box to specify that tax must be calculated for all orders placed in the store. The resulting amount may be zero, but the calculation must be performed.

Allow Modules Used by Store Morph Items to be Uninstalled (Not Recommended): When you install a module, the module may add references to itself in template code. You can also manually edit template code to reference installed modules. When you uninstall a module, some modules can remove both types of references: the references that were added when the module was installed, and other references to the module that were added manually.

If you enable this feature and then uninstall a module, you are giving the module "permission" to automatically remove all references to itself in template code. There are two problems with this:

For these reasons this feature is not enabled by default. If you remove a module, it is recommended that you manually inspect any template code that might have referenced that module and manually remove the references.

Maintenance Mode

This section allows you to take your store offline for maintenance, and configure how the store behaves before and during the downtime.

Store Activity: Click the Offline At radio button and enter a time and date when you want your store to go offline.

No New Customers: Here is where you enter a time value that will prevent new customers from accessing the store before the store goes offline. For example, if you enter 30 in this text box, a “trigger” will go off 30 minutes before your store goes offline.

Allowed IP Address(es): You can enter one or more IP addresses in this field. Normally, when a store goes offline, no one, including administrators, can browse the store. If you enter your IP address in this field, when the store goes offline you will still be able to browse and access your online store for testing purposes. Multiple IP addresses should be separated with commas. You can also use “/XX” to enter a range of IP addresses using CIDR notation. See this Wikipedia entry for additional information on CIDR Notation.

Warning Message: This field allows you to enter a warning message that will be displayed at the top of your store pages as soon as you click the Update button, and continues to display until your store goes offline.


For this reason you may not want to set the Offline At time to more than one hour in advance. For example, if it’s currently 11 p.m., and you set the Offline At time to midnight, the warning message will be displayed in your store from 11 p.m. to midnight.

Maintenance Message: This field allows you to enter a message that will display when your store goes offline. It replaces the Warning Message when your store goes offline. It remains on your store, and your store remains offline, until you manually go back to the Store Activity section above, and click the Store Online radio button, and click Update.

Available Tokens: Shows the list of tokens that you can add to your warning or maintenance message.

Order Minimums

This section allows you to set quantity, price or both, minimums in order for an order to process.

Sometimes it is not worthwhile to sell small quantities of items, or to process low-value orders. If you establish order minimums, an a shopper attempts to check out when their order has not met those minimums, they will see a message and be unable to complete their order.

Minimum Quantity: The minimum number of items required in order for an order to be processed.

Minimum Price: The minimum price required in order for an order to be processed.

Must Meet Both Minimums box: Click this if you want both minimums to apply.

Minimum Not Met Message: What you enter in this text field will be displayed when a shopper does not meet the minimum(s) you have established.

Cache Configuration

Visit the Miva Redis Caching document for information about configuring this section.

State Tax Options

This section sets how sales tax is added to orders.

Tax Based On: This dropdown allows you to set the tax based on the customer’s shipping state, or their billing state. In most cases, the shipping and billing state will be the same.

Rounding Method: This dropdown allows you to set how the admin rounds the sales tax amount. You can choose Banker’s Rounding or Round Up.

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