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Subscription Out of Stock Handling & Notifications

Released in 10.05.00

New configuration settings and reports have been added to the Miva admin to give merchants visibility into inventory for subscription orders and to help prevent items from going out of stock. In addition, there are now settings to govern the behavior of the admin, in terms of subscriptions, when an item does go out of stock.

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Subscription Out of Stock Settings

There is a new configuration option under Store Settings -> Subscription Settings.

"Error and Skip to next order date" is a new option which prevents a subscription order from being created.

Process Regardless of Inventory Level: This is the default value. Inventory levels are ignored when subscription orders are created.

Error and Skip to Next Order Date: This prevents any order from being created if the item is out of stock when a subscription is set to renew. If this setting is enabled and an item is out of stock, when the subscription process runs to create the next order, the order will not be created and the subscription's "Next Order Date" will be moved forward to the next term. If configured, a notification email will also be sent to the customer letting them know. See setup details below.


For the second option to work, you must have inventory tracking enabled in your store, the product must have inventory tracking enabled and have the out of stock level enabled.

Logs of Subscriptions Skipped

If a subscription is skipped because the item is out of stock there are three ways to identify it:

The Subscription ID is listed in the log.

The Status Message column can be added to the subscriptions batch list and used to identify any subscription that was skipped because the item was out of stock.

Manual Overrides in Admin

Normally, subscription orders are created automatically each day when the Scheduled Task runs. However, you can also manually process a Subscription to create an order. This dialog now prompts you to see if you want to override the out of stock handling and if you want to send out of stock notification emails.

This screen allows you to override out of stock settings and choose to send or not send any notifications.

Subscription Out of Stock Email Notification

If the Error and Skip to Next Order Date setting is enabled, you have the option of sending an email to the customer letting them know why their order is not being sent out.

The setitngs for this email can be found under Order Fulfillment Settings -> Template Based Emails -> Subscription Out of Stock.

Email Template

The email sent is an HTML-customizable email template. An example is shown below.

The settings for this email can be found under Order Fulfillment Settings -> Template Based Emails -> Subscription Out of Stock.

Subscription Inventory Projection Report

There is now a report that gives merchants visibility into their inventory needs based on upcoming subscriptions. The goal of this report is to be able to get projections into what inventory is going to be needed for subscriptions to help merchants order new stock correctly.

Report Settings

This report can be added under Reports -> Add Report.

Viewing Report On Dashboard

This report can be shown on the dashboard or exported to CSV/XLS. In the example below, the report shows that in the next 90 days the store will need two of the subscription items, and there are seven in stock. So after the 90 day timeframe there will be five remaining in stock.

Example of the Dashboard report for Subscription Inventory Projection.


Keep in mind that non-subscription orders are not included in this data, so that would need to be manually accounted for. For example, you typically sell three of this item each month, outside of subscriptions. That would need to be manually included in your projections.

This report can be exported to both CSV or XLS for further insights.

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