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Assigning Attributes

Attributes can be assigned at the product level. Attributes can also be assigned as part of an Attribute Template. You can find out more about Attribute Templates by clicking here.

On this Page

Assigning Attributes

1. To assign attributes on a product level, open up a product in your catalog, and click the Attributes tab.

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2. Next, click the Add Attribute button.

3. Enter the desired attribute code. In this example, we’re using the code “size” and “Size” for the on-screen prompt.

4. Next, select the type of attribute choice you want to use on-screen. Options include: Radio Buttons (default), Drop-down List, Checkbox, Text Area, Text Field and Swatch-Drop-down List. See below for examples of each type of attribute choice.


For each Attribute created, make sure the Track Inventory box is checked. This allows you to generate variants after you’re finished with attributes.

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5. Next, click the Save Changes button.

6. Next, you will create your options. In the case of a t-shirt, options could include “Small,” “Medium,” “Large” and “Extra Large.” After each entry, hit the enter or return key. Additional attributes and options, for example, colors, can be added as well. When finished, click Save Changes.

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Attribute Types

Radio Buttons

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Drop Down List

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Text Area

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Text Field

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Swatch Dropdown

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