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Custom Fields allow you to add your own fields to categories, products, customer records as well as other things. It’s a powerful tool built into the Miva admin and there are virtually unlimited ways you can use this functionality.
Custom Fields is already installed in Miva, but it is considered a module, and it’s a part of the Shadows framework.
1. To create a new custom field, click the Settings gear in the bottom left corner of the page, then click Utilities.
2. On the Utility Settings page, click the Custom Fields tab.
3. Next, click the New Custom Field button in the upper right corner.
4. In the Add Custom Field box that opens you will choose the type of custom field:
Product: Adds custom fields to Product pages in your online store.
Category: Adds custom fields to Category pages in your online store.
Customer: Adds custom fields to the Customer Fields tab.
Order: Adds custom fields to the Edit Order screen.
5. Give the custom field a code and a name and, if the custom field is a facet, click the box.
6. Chose the Field Type desired:
Most of these types are familiar to you, except for Image Upload, which is a little different.
If the Rich Text Editor is enabled, it is available for text area custom fields.
7. Choose which Group the custom field should belong to.
For more information about creating Custom Field Groups, click here.
8. Add any additional information as desired.
9. Then either click the Add button, or the Add+ button to create another Custom Field.
1. To delete a custom field, navigate to Utilities and then the Custom Fields tab like you did above.
2. Then select a custom field by clicking the box on the left.
3. Click the Options button and then click Delete Records.