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Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates can be created and distributed in different ways in the Miva admin.

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Generate Gift Certificates Codes in the Admin

You can generate as many gift certificate codes as you want in the admin interface. You can also use different methods for distribution, like emailing gift certificate codes to customers or printing gift certificate codes out and sending them via regular mail. For more information on this, click here.

Attach a Gift Certificate to an Ordinary Product

In this case, you can edit an existing product, for example, a t-shirt. When a customer buys the t-shirt, you can have the system automatically send the customer a gift certificate code. It’s like giving a customer a future discount for purchasing that t-shirt. When the customer redeems the gift certificate code, it becomes a credit in their store account, which can then be used to make purchases in your store. For more information on this, click here.

Make the Gift Certificate a Standalone Product

This is most like when a customer goes into a brick and mortar store and purchases a paper gift certificate or gift card that can be redeemed at the store later on. In this case you create a product, “Gift Certificate - $5.00” for example. After the customer purchases the gift certificate, the system will send the customer a gift certificate code. When the customer redeems the gift certificate code, it becomes a credit in their account, which they can use to make purchases in your store. For more information on this, click here.


No matter which method above is chosen, customers must have an account with your store in order to use the gift certificate. If they don’t already have one, they can easily create one.

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