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Manage Quotes


The Manage Quotes module is already in the Miva 10 admin. But you still have to install the module.

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1. To install the module, click the settings icon in the bottom left corner, then click Modules.

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2. On the Modules page, scroll down until you see the Manage Quotes module and click install.

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After installing the module, there will be three new tabs on the Utility Settings page:

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Quote Emails

There are five customizable email templates:

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All of these templates are enabled by default. To disable/enable any of them manually, click the button under the Enabled tab.

The “To”, “From” and “Subject” fields can all be edited. Click the name of the email you wish to edit and a box allowing you to edit the fields displays.

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Each email template is a full HTML template which can be customized to your desired style.

To edit a template, select it from the list, then click Edit Template. This opens the field where the template code can be edited.


Because the template is in full HTML, it is probably better to have a developer assist you in customizing your email templates.

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The following screenshot is an example of the email templates. This one is for an expired quote.

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Quote Configuration

The Quote Configuration screen is where you find general settings for the module, including required customer fields, how long until a quote expires and how customers are allowed to interact with the quote.

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The Default Quote Terms text area allows you to place your default terms in the quote as text.

Quote Custom Fields

The Quote Custom Fields function allows you to set up custom fields, specific to your needs, and save the data associated with each quote. These custom fields are then available on a per quote level.

To add a custom field, click the Add Custom Field button in the top right corner.

Enter the desired code and prompt, and select the type of custom field you want: Radio Buttons, Drop-down List, Checkbox, Text Field or Text Area. When finished, click Save Changes.

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Once added, custom fields are accessible on a per quote basis.

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