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Working with Quotes

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Customer Quote Review

When a quote is sent, the customer can review their quote by clicking the “Review Quote” link in the quote email.

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When a customer clicks the Review Quote button, it launches the Quote Information page in their web browser.


If you have the quote assigned to a specific customer, that customer must be logged into your store in order to access the quote. If the quote is not assigned to a customer, that person can view the quote as a guest.

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If the customer agrees to accept the quote they can click the Add Quote to Basket button. This will convert the quote status to Accepted and allows the customer to purchase the items in the quote at the customer price(s) quoted.

The customer could also request a change with the quote by using the Request text field.

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After clicking Submit, the request is added to the Notes area and the quote status in the Miva admin changes to Response Needed.

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When you view the quote from the Manage Quotes screen and click on the Notes link, the customer’s new note appears at the top of the list.

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You can reply to the customer by clicking the Add Note button. In the dialog that opens, enter your response and click Add. This allows you to have an ongoing discussion with your customer about their quote.

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If you do not click to make the note Public, the customer will not be able to see the note on their Quote Information page. For more information on using the Quote Notes function, click here.

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When the customer is satisfied with the quote and adds the items to their basket, an attribute is automatically applied to them to note they were purchased as part of a quote.


Once the quotes items are in the customer’s cart, they may or may not be able to modify the quantity or remove an items based on the settings you have configured. For additional information on Quote Configuration, click here.

Quote Status

There are nine different quote status values that display.

The Quote Status displays in the Status column in the Manage Quotes batch list.

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You can also filter by status. For example, if you wanted to see which quotes have already been converted to an order, you simply click the filter icon, next to the search bar. In the drop down that displays, select Advanced Search.

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Select the Equal To filter in the Filter drop down, then select Converted to Order in the Value drop down. Then click the Search button. A list of quotes with a status of Converted to Order now displays.

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